I have 30 year old pine baseboards and want to paint them white.

Joan Bass
by Joan Bass
Ideas on getting started please.

  6 answers
  • Fix It Jen Fix It Jen on Aug 10, 2017

    Ambitious project! Be sure to clean them first, paint won't stick if there's too much dust or oil. After that, tape your edges, and cover any carpet. For painting, start with a good quality primer and then your paint. Probably count on at least 2 coats each.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Aug 10, 2017

    Be sure to sand them down if they have any old paint on them, it doesn't all have to come off, just smooth it out then wipe with damp sponge or rag; paint with a good cover like odorfree Kilz or something similar (that was our choice) then paint the color you want. You will need lots of throw tarps or tape plastic down to protect the floors if wooden. Use painting tape (found where paint can be purchased) Enjoy the new look!

  • K K on Aug 10, 2017

    Excellent answers! Talk to the people at your local PAINT store - not Big Box. They will have lots of suggestions and ideas. Take notes. Listen to all their advice and then THINK about what they said. Go home. Figure out your best deal, then get out your elbow grease and roll up your sleeves. No matter what you do, those baseboards must be clean and prepared!

    By the way, 30 years old is not that old. We’ve been in our house 44 years. It might be easier to remove the old ones, get new ones, paint them first, install them, fill the holes, touch up the paint, repaint the walls - naaaa, just clean, sand, clean, mask, prime, paint. Still a big job. Get some music or podcasts going!

  • Sharon Sharon on Aug 10, 2017

    And I would pick a good kitchen and bath white paint with a semi-gloss finish. Since you will be cleaning them regularly.

  • Suzette Suzette on Aug 10, 2017

    Hi Joan, Here's a link that may help! https://www.todayshomeowner.com/painting-wood-floors/

    Good luck!!

  • Chubby58 Chubby58 on Aug 10, 2017

    First clean them well and let dry. If you don't want to sand then you can buy a de-glosser. Put that on and you're ready to paint, or you can and them first, then paint.