Afraid of furnace exploding in home
Pat Dollar on Nov 08, 2013No cost to have the gas company come out and check it for you. You call them and say that you smell gas from the furnace.Helpful Reply
Barbara Thomas on Nov 08, 2013I agree, call the gas company ASAP. Don't use that furnace until they inspect it for you. Good luck~Helpful Reply
Zbeth W on Nov 08, 2013It is loading up with fuel before it kicks in lights up the fuel... This means that it is kinda like a bomb waiting to explode... I would call your land lord and tell him if he does not fix it now you are going to call the building and inspections committee of your town... This is a very dangerous situation and could cause a fire or explosion in you home... Especially if your bedroom is next to the furnace room!!!! ACT NOW!!!Helpful Reply
Virginia V on Nov 08, 2013Definitely call the gas company. They used to come out at zero charge. If there is a gas leak they will shut it down. Then the landlord will have to replace or fix. Better sooner before it gets to cold or really does blow.Helpful Reply
T_jaffray on Nov 08, 2013Was in the business for 43 years yes get the gas co out fast as if this is a bad furnace they will condemn it and turn it off before something bad happens to much of a carbon monoxicide threat and this can kill youHelpful Reply
Loie on Nov 08, 2013It is your landlords responsibilty to maintain your home in a timely manner. Call your local gas company ask for a safety check or contact your local fire department I am sure they would be willing to check it out free of charge. Call your landlord and let him know you want this issue addressed immediatly after all this could be life threatning to you and your family! Make sure there are fire / cm alarms installed in your home, this is also landlords responsibility . Be firm do not take no for an answer this could be a tragedy in the making .Helpful Reply
Marilyn Highley on Nov 08, 2013I sure hope Mel has called the gas company and/or has gotten her family out of there. Please update us, when you are safe and have safe heat!Helpful Reply
Lrc225795 on Nov 09, 2013I was a landlord for 20 years. Always treated tenants as if it was my home. No skintchin' and cutting corners. When they see me in a store they come and say, "You're the best landlord we ever ha.' Not bragging.' Just telling how tenants should be treated. There are 2 different descriptions in one. "A gas." Is it gas or does it smell like gas? "Smoky smell" would come from an oil furnace. Whichever it is not a good condition. It is amazing how a landlord can hold a grudge against a tenant for having him/her do what is right and should have been done yesterday and without asking. Hope you can get this corrected and still have the landlord treat you like a person instead of an irritation. You need to be safe. If he wants a constant explosion, find a legal way to get of the lease and move. I hate moving but it may be your only way to safety. As another commented, let us know how the issue was cared for.Helpful Reply
Silberman Heating & Cooling on Nov 09, 2013Hello. My name is Don Silberman.I own a heating and cooling business in wallingford. Usually with a bang like that the furnace is loading up with to much gas when ignited.this can cause a hole in heat exchanger which is very dangerous. Do you have con testers near furnace or in house. Please have it tested. You can go to sleep one night and never wake up. Call your town housing authority and report him.Helpful Reply
Paula A on Nov 09, 2013Need to have someone come in from a reputable furnace company and have it cleaned and checked ---this should be done every year as it get built up with all kinds of things and the chimney needs checking also. Do it soon before you do have an explosion.Helpful Reply
Karon Nelson Roberts on Nov 10, 2013CALL GAS COMPANY NOW!!! Don't use until they inspected it! Then CALL YOU LANDLORD to Have it Fixed!Helpful Reply
Susan B on Nov 11, 2013PLEASE LET US KNOW!!!!!! TAKE HEED TO WARNINGS ON HERE PLEASE!!!!!!!Helpful Reply
Bernice H on Nov 17, 2013how awfully scary,just had a local house fire here in our city,2 very little children burned to death,mother couldn't get to them quickly enough. please....don't use furnace and get authority in yor behalf.Helpful Reply
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