How can I make barriers for my virtual wall robot vacuum?

by Lisa

I need to find a way to make barriers for my INLIFE i7 Robotic Vacuum because they don't sell them anymore. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks!

  3 answers
  • 17335038 17335038 on Sep 04, 2019

    Is this the style of barrier you are looking for to fit your vacuum?

    I found it on ebay.

    comment photo
    • See 1 previous
    • 17335038 17335038 on Sep 08, 2019

      Oh, OK. I though you were looking for a replacement part that acts as a barrier inside the vacuum. (This part is called a barrier.) But I can see now from all the other answers that your question is asking about the other kind of barrier.

      Hope you get an answer you are seeking.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Sep 04, 2019

    I have never used a robot vacuum, but for the areas you want to build a "wall" could you put a line of shoes or something handy in your home that is sitting close by? We remove our shoes/boots at the door and sit on a bench so they are always handy is why I mention shoes. Everyone has them in the home, but not necessarily handy. Anything you have you could put down for a temporary fix while the robot vacuum runs? Maybe get the kids to help set it up and take it down? Just a thought, hope this helps Lisa.

    • See 2 previous
    • Lisa Lisa on Sep 08, 2019

      I like that! I'm going to try it. My little vacuum is super aggressive, but I think it might work 😉. Thanks!

  • SusieQ SusieQ on Sep 06, 2019

    Mine came with a strip to lay on the floor in open areas and it will not cross it. It turns and goes a different direction.

    • Lisa Lisa on Sep 08, 2019

      Mine came with a little box that sends an infrared light which stops it, but it only came with one and the company is out of business. I thought for sure someone would have invented a universal one by now, but no luck. Thanks😊