Replacing stove pipe on a wood stove, is this something that can be done by my husband, or do we need to hire it out?

Julie S
by Julie S
We had a need to replace a section of our wood stove stove pipe and were just waiting until after the New Year. We heat mostly with wood stove heat and so it is a necessity. My husband had replace the elbow before and it was showing signs of rust. Nature intervened when a squirrel decided to climb into the chimney and fell into the rusting elbow, separating the pipe and knocking a hole in it trying to get out. We did not realize how rusted it was. My husband went to Hudson Hardware and bought the replacement section and was set about replacing when the whole pipe fell from the ceiling to the stove. Yes, much cussing ensued, and after buying the remainder of the pipe he has set about attempting to replace. This is not a one man job, and I am of no help. (Not by choice....) Does anyone know of someone who would assist him at a small fee? We are $$ strapped which is why he attempted it himself initially.
  5 answers
  • You could post something on craigs list for help. You are correct it is not an easy job. However I do have one concern. If one section of pipe is damaged, it is very possible that the rest are not that far behind. And doing this repair may not only back fire as during the process more issues may come up that your not prepared to handle. I would suggest that you get a pro in to assist. Or other way around, Your husband provides the grunt help for the pro, But regardless of what you do, be prepared to change out more pipe then you think.
  • The last place I would look is CraigsList unless your husband knows exactly what he is doing & truly just needs a helper. Granted some areas might have someone good on them, but many pros & knowledgeable people don't post there If he doesn't and can't find the information on the stove manufacturers site / it appears to difficult I would call a certified chimney sweep or specialist. Granted that is going to cost some money,but generally a lot less than a fire, falling off the ladder, or repairs needed because it wasn't sealed properly
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Dec 31, 2012
    Stove pipe can vary from the basic single wall black "stove pipe" to the fancy Stainless Steel double wall insulated "chimney pipe". Each type of pip has its own set of installation guidelines...stove pipe needs 18" of clearance to combustibles...while some Class A Chimney pipe can be mounted a close as 2". It is important to use the right stuff in the right place...otherwise you could burn your house down. What you had may not have meet building code, I would have a qualified solid fuel tech evaluate your situation before you invest the time and money into a "fix". I have used the Simpson line of duravent chimney and pipe for my installs
  • Julie S Julie S on Dec 31, 2012
    This is a Squire stove, the style is Buck. It is on a rock hearth and the stovepipe is single wall, black. The stove is probably 25 years old and my husband has replaced the elbows before himself. It is a two story home and the second floor pipe is a ten inch in good shape.
  • I would hope that the pipe where it penetrates the roof/ceiling area is at least double wall type. Single wall stove pipe as KMS said must be clear of combustible materials by at least 18 inches. And that cannot be achieved with the flashing that are sold for single wall pipe.