Asked on Sep 05, 2018

"How do I fix a plastic shed roof 10 x 12.5 that is leaking?

by Donnaf582015

I have a plastic shed from Home Depot that is 13 years old. A branch had punctured the roof several years ago. Have tried spraying it with a rubber spray in certain spots, still leaks. Is there a permanent fix for this other than buying a wood shed?

  2 answers
  • GrandmasHouseDIY GrandmasHouseDIY on Sep 05, 2018

    Hi Donna, you could consider just covering the roof with steel, that would be like giving your shed a whole new roof but it should be light enough to work fine.

    • See 1 previous
    • GrandmasHouseDIY GrandmasHouseDIY on Sep 05, 2018

      Hi there, they sell corrugated roofing steel in 8x4 foot sheets that should do the trick. Here's a pic of what it looks like. I don't know how thick of plastic you're working with but I don't know why you couldn't just use steel screws right through the steel into the plastic. Remember to get the steel screws though, they come with plastic washers already on them so they don't leak.

      comment photo
  • Winnie Winnie on Sep 05, 2018

    Put a few sheets of tin roofing on it or you can get those plastic corrugated wavy sheets and place them over the old roof. Either one you can secure with sheet metal screws and then put sealant over those and the seams and you’ll be good to go! If you originally bought it at Home Depot go there with the measurement of your roof. They’ll probably cut the tin or fiberglass sheets to size! Otherwise, there’s the black rubber tape sheets advertised on tv called flex seal. Peel and stick. I think you can buy that there too. I’d try that first😊