This in a mobile home. My daughter moved and this is what we found. The whole room needs to be redone but this is a problem.
Thank you
This in a mobile home. My daughter moved and this is what we found. The whole room needs to be redone but this is a problem.
Thank you
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They are horizontal sliding window 20 " h and 16-34 w, need info whats the best way to put a 12000 btu in that window.
I am about to patch up this water damage on a low bathroom ceiling. What can i paint/seal the entire ceiling with to minimize future water damage? the ceiling is very... See more
The overflow outlet is probably plugged.
The moisture from the unit dropped down the wall. If you have wood under the window unit,
is it sticking out further than the unit?
The water needs to escape and evaporate.
The water maybe coming out of the unit as it’s supposed to but then drips down onto your support and goes on and into your wall.
Shorten up the support of this is safe to do.
Does that make sense?
The window AC unit has to be properly drained, meaning it has to have the drain hole on the bottom outer side clear and unrestricted and the unit has to be pitched or leaning towards this drain. The water (condensation) will naturally leak towards the pitch of the appliance in your case the wall.
I agree with the previous answers but will add that the sheeting on the inside of the wall will need to be removed. There is a high degree of probability that you will find water in the insulation behind the wall and mold. This will also need to be addressed.
Tip the part outside down, window airconditions.need to be installed at a down angle . The leak is normal, it should be dripping outside from the back.if installed correctly.
I think Bobbie is the only one that addressed the question. You need to fix the wall. Whatever the material is, it needs to be removed. I guarantee the insulation is ruined and will need to be replaced. As for the AC unit...needs to tip out for drainage. I messed this up one year and all the water went behind the drywall. What a mess. The only way to fix is replace. Good luck.
If the wall of your window AC unit is leaking water from inside then it might be the leakage in your refrigerant. The problem getting worse when you carpeting in the house where the ac unit is located creating a damp spot and potentially running on your carpet, floor. Then you should contact to an HVAC services experts or professional HVAC contractor near you to resolve this issue to fix.