Can you restuff a comforter?
I have a comforter whose pattern I love but you can feel that it's losing it's fluffiness. It has many 'sewn-in' portions so it will be a problem to dismantle it and maybe I should just forget it and find a nice sheet I can stuff. Ideas
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I repurposed my comforter by cutting into smaller squares and making throw pillows, and floor cushions for little ones
If you can't part with it, get a plain comforter that will coordinate with the old one and sew it to the bottom. While watching tv or just relaxing, stich the two together where the sewn-in parts are.
I took one apart by removing the stitching on top and taking the stuffing out. I then put a duvet zipper in to the bottom section of the comforter and am now using it as a duvet cover. Works great.