How can you repair a raised kitchen counter due to water damage?
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Laminate countertops are a thin covering of laminate glued onto a particle board type sub-surface. If the sub-surface hasn't swollen from the water, you can squirt construction glue into the seam, put wax paper (with a thin coat of vasculine on it) on top, and put something very heavy on top the entire seam. Wait at least 12 hours before removing.
Good luck.
I would try to lift it up more and then put a contact glue on both sides and weigh down until it holds properly. Use a flat stick to force the glue underneath. Put lots on the edges and be sure to wipe the top clean as soon as you are done working with the glue.
I agree with Bijous_2010. If you push down on the laminate and it goes flat and smooth the substrate has not swelled. Use a putty knife or anything flat an gently pry the laminate up a bit so you can squeeze the construction adhesive under it. Use a rolling pin or flat board to flatten it out and allow the glue to grab. Wipe off any squeeze out with rubbing alcohol. Put some plastic wrap/wax paper over it and weigh it down for about 24 hours.