How do I install a new lazy susan in this cabinet?

I have a very dated kitchen. My corner lazy susan is broken. Things are constantly falling behind the cabinet, because it is very uneven. A handyman tried to fix it and the lazy susan is very slanted, causing items to fall off of it when I turn it.

It hits the sides and doesn't turn properly. Evidently because my kitchen is so dated, there aren't any lazy susans with the dimensions of this one available. How could it be installed? Would I have to remove both of the side cabinets to install it. I'm at a loss. Any suggestions on what else I could do? I don't have the funds to install all new cabinets at this time.

  6 answers
  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Dec 08, 2018

    HI Stephanie,

    My name is Linda and I'm in a similar position. My lazy susan is even older than yours. :( Mine doesn't exactly slant, but it rocks. I know exactly what happened and why it does that, but so far I haven't been able to find anyone who can fix it. My solution is to place the items on the lazy susan so that they force it to balance. So I put 2 heavy items across from each other until the shelf is straight, then add other items while keeping it balanced. If it becomes unbalanced, I move something until it balances again. If you have the same issue, that might help. I noticed that you have a blender on it. Can you store that somewhere else? That's a pretty heavy item and might be pulling that side down. I hope this helps. Wishing you the best.

  • Ken Erickson Ken Erickson on Dec 08, 2018

    Removing the side cabinets won't help because each cabinet is a separate unit. The lazy Susan rotates on bearing at top and bottom. They need to be checked to ensure they are in the correct place and not loose. Heavy items can throw them out of balance.

  • Lisa Lisa on Dec 08, 2018

    Hi Stephanie. I'm Lisa. I don't have a Lazy Susan, but I've seen some ideas on Hometalk for solving Lazy Susan problems. I'll post some links for you, and hopefully one will be just the thing you need! Good luck!

  • Pat Pat on Dec 08, 2018

    Your problem is why I do not like Lazy Susans but I have one in this house and stuff falls off behind and I have to get on the floor and fish it out. That said, I try to keep my light plastic leftover containers and a few canned goods on my Lazy Susan.....Nothing heavy l...On the other side of my kitchen, on the Lazy Susan, I have plastic pitchers, pie plates, aluminum cake pans.....things that are light weight. M y DIL has the same problem you do....hers broke where it swivels at the top. When all else fails, take the LS out and put in would be surprised at the amount of room you will have to put things. I always put my seldom used items in the back and everyday used items on the front of the shelves.

  • Linda Bender Linda Bender on Dec 09, 2018

    I have the same problem with my Lazy susan. It has been broken for years. My cabinets are solid wood and the door itself is very heavy. And to boot the cabinet in which its contained is also rounded from the inside. I have removed all the hardware and left the cabinet empty until I can find a solution. There is a company called Rev-a-Shelf at Lowes and online that sells many parts to these cabinet parts. I still haven't fixed mine and it is a big loss of much counter space that I could use. Anyone have any ideas to revamp the space without fixing the stupid lazy susan?

  • Oliva Oliva on Dec 09, 2018

    Balanced weight distribution is the key to long life with a lazy susan. Placing heavier items toward the outside edges will contribute to slanting. Better lazy susans have higher edges and are better balanced to begin with, but always pay attention to where you place items on the shelves, seeking to equalize weight distribution.

    Items such as blenders can be top heavy, and should be dismantled and stored toward the center, or better yet, in another base cabinet.