How to fix metal daybed planks from falling off frame.

by Dae
Hi, I bought my daughter a Victoria Metal Daybed from Walmart when it was on sale. I've had it for about 3 weeks going on 4 and the brackets that the mattress rests on keeps slipping or popping out, causing her to fall through. I scrutinized over this purchase, because I don't have money to waste and it states it can hold up to 400 lbs and my 15 year old is no where near that. My husband says we should get sheet metal planks from lowes and place them across then drill them to the edge of the frame. I didn't know sheet metal could be so expensive, but I saw one for $9.00. In theory his ideal sounds possible, but in realty what say you? Thanks for your help
Walmart special
  11 answers
  • MN Mom MN Mom on Apr 25, 2016
    It sounds like the frame is a bit too wide for the mattress. I think you need something to support the mattress...even several 2x4 or 2x8 pieces of wood cut to the width of the frame will support the mattress and stop the falling through.
  • Allinthefamilysingers Allinthefamilysingers on Apr 25, 2016
    if u already have the boards and it seems like the frame stretches My son in law got a clothesline wire and wove it across the frame.. It never done it again no matter how many kids piled up on it. good luck dhall
  • William William on Apr 25, 2016
    My granddaughters bed had the same problem. The actual frame twisted with her weight and the mattress would fall thru with her on it. She was 12 at the time. What I did was to get a sheet of 5/8" plywood cut it to fit the frame. Drilled some 1/4" holes in each corner a slipped 1/4' bolts in the holes. Did not fasten them, they are there to prevent the frame from buckling.. She is still using the bed and she's 16 now.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Apr 26, 2016
    Your problem is that the metal of the bed is flimsy and giving way to let the mattress fall through. I would get a sheet of at least 1/2" (or 5/8" if the railing is deep enough) plywood and drill through the sides of it and then drill through the bottom edge that holds the mattress...then bolt it all together. You will only have to put about 4-5 bolts on each side! The metal will take a drill bit that will go through that metal. It will hold then!
  • Jack Jack on Apr 26, 2016
    I wove lawn chair webbing thru and around the framing in my sons bed that was the same way. worked for many years.
  • Beth Beth on Apr 26, 2016
    First make sure the bed is t together correctly. Something is causing it to stretch apart. Maybe there is a skrew missing somewhere. If not, add so more slats that are a bit longer than the originals.
  • Pat Pat on Apr 26, 2016
    Wood slats, lawn chair webbing should work OR wire from one side to the other to keep the frame from stretching outward. May have to put three pieces of wire (one a third of the way down from the head, the next at the half way mark and the third about 1/3 up from the foot.)to keep everything solid.
  • Eloise Eloise on Apr 26, 2016
    If you use the wire method mentioned in Pat May's post, you can add a turnbuckle ($3.27 at Home Depot) to tighten the wire so that the frame doesn't move. (
  • Linda Y Linda Y on Apr 26, 2016
    Most bed slats now are made from curved plywood, make sure the curve is facing upward. I think I would go for a sheet of plywood or mdf rather than metal which might make noise when your daughter moves position.
  • Judi Judi on Apr 26, 2016
    Measure the inside distance end to end, side to side. Go to Lowes/Home Depot and have them cut a piece of plywood to fit, I have done this and it works.
  • Dae Dae on Apr 29, 2016
    Thank you so much to everyone who replied. I copied and pasted your answers to Word doc and will discuss w/hubby.