Need ideas for curio door to replace broken glass please!!
Janet Pizaro on Dec 12, 2015Rather than chicken wire how about plexiglass glass. It is less expensive than regular glass and easier to work with when repairing.Helpful Reply
Lin R on Dec 12, 2015Thank you Janet for the idea. I am wondering if it will fit in there as the door is curved. I need to ask my husband what he thinks about that.Helpful Reply
Kate on Dec 12, 2015Awww, Lin. So sorry that happened. Is the cabinet actually intended for dispaly of curios? Or are you repurposing it? If it's not essential that you can see through all 3 sides, how about 1/4" hardboard? It's very inexpensive, $7.95 for a 4'x 8' panel at Home Depot. One side is very smooth, ready for priming and painting. Cuts easily with a jigsaw and since it's pretty flexible, it's ideal for that curved front. I can see a harlequin pattern working or, if you've got mad artist skills, the perfect place to showcase your work. Or, if you haven't yet gotton rid of all the glass shards, you could do a mirror mosaic on the hardboard.Helpful Reply
Snapoutofit on Dec 12, 2015Love the piece.Helpful Reply
Gailek on Dec 13, 2015Hi. I went shopping for a dresser for my soon to be arriving 2nd son... Fell in love with a curio cabinet like your's. Ended up buying that instead of the dresser. We found a local furniture re finisher who ordered and installed a new side panel for about $125. The expected child is now 27...But it is a indication that (1( the curved glass is available and (2) this included the ordering, installation and replacing the curved moldings which didn't come with the curio...And now with the internet, I'm sure that you could get it yourself!Helpful Reply
Sherry K Kunkle on Dec 13, 2015The chicken wire is great idea and have hubby look at building small frames to attached and bow the wire and attache inside to the curio panel frames ,, then paint it the framing - chicken too . Id paint it color of insideHelpful Reply
Christi on Dec 13, 2015Maybe a pretty piece of sheer stretched fabric...Helpful Reply
Janet AF on Dec 13, 2015go to home depot with your measurements and buy the thinnest lexan or plexi they have I have seen it there thin enough to have a slight bend. with an extra pair of hands and a hot hair dryer you should be able to get enough bend to fit your cabinet.1 marked as helpful Reply
Barbara on Dec 13, 2015First I'd check with a glazier to see how costly the glass might be. Never know, it might fall within budget ! I'd also ask if the plexiglass substitute would be less costly to prevent future breakage. Barring that, I'd go with the chicken wire idea. I also like Christi's idea of sheer fabric stretched on (tension rods?) The thin plexi is somewhat brittle after exposure to temperature changes and can yellow with age. We are replacing the plexi with glass in our sun porch next spring for this very reason- and to help keep the porch a little warmer during the colder months.Helpful Reply
BillSmoot on Dec 14, 2015Why not consider very thin PlexiGlass? It's probably lighter than glass, cheaper and will bendHelpful Reply
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