Soft pine table top

Does anyone have suggestions for a soft table top to prevent damage, I just purchased a new dining room table and it has already been marred? is there something that can be added to it to make it more user friendly? I just hate having to keep it covered with tablecloth.
  6 answers
  • Roger S Roger S on Mar 19, 2015
    Use Behlen Rockhard Table Top Urethane to put a hard durable finish on your table. If it already has a finish you will have to strip off the old one. If it has just been stained all you need to do clean off any wax and apply the Rockhard Table Top finish. Just Google it to find out where you can get it.
    • Country Design Home Country Design Home on Mar 20, 2015
      @Roger S Thanks for that tip! I also have a pine dining table that I have to keep refinishing every couple of years due to the stains and scratches. I am definitely going to give this a try!
  • Miriam Kearney Miriam Kearney on Mar 20, 2015
    I'm guessing you don't want to go for the rustic look? Pine tables, at least the rustic ones, look better with a few scars. It's hard waiting for it to have enough scars to look good though - sort of letting your hair grow out but it might be worth it in the end.
  • Sharon Joy Sharon Joy on Mar 20, 2015
    Or you can get a glass top for it.
  • Patricia Patricia on Mar 20, 2015
    I agree with @Sharon Joy. I have a coffee table that we had glass custom cut for it. I don't remember the exact cost -- maybe under $100, but it was worth the investment as the table has lasted without a scratch for over 10 years,
  • Linda Linda on Mar 20, 2015
    Get a sheet of glass or acrylic, cut to fit. We had a young girl dance all over a coffee table, and it cost $175 and then some to get it sanded down and restained. ...