How can I fix a crack in my vinyl fence gate?

by Dawn

I need to fix a hairline crack in my white vinyl fence gate where the gate lock mechanism is. The screws for the gate lock won't stay tight and keep falling out and the only options I can think of is moving the gate lock up higher or replacing the gate which is overkill. I'd rather not drill more holes in the gate as I'm afraid it will make the crack worse and the repair has to take the beating of a Labrador, Beagle and a small terrier. Any suggestions? Thank you! icon

  4 answers
  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Jan 03, 2019

    You may have to replace your gate. Vinyl has a short life, esp outside. It shrinks and sets out when exposed to the weather.

    • Dawn Dawn on Jan 05, 2019

      That's one thing I'm hoping I won't have to do at this time, the fence and gate are not that old, its about 3 years of age and when it comes to a 6ft gate and fence it is something that isn't that cheap. It is actually on the most protected side of our house, but I wonder if the people who installed our fencing went a bit crazy with the drill when installing the latch or if a family member slammed the gate too hard one day, one can never truly know.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jan 03, 2019

    You could try pvc cement or epoxy for plastic. You will need to use a clamp until it dries (at least a day). It won't look perfect.

    • Dawn Dawn on Jan 05, 2019

      Never thought about using either one of those products, I'll have to think about those two. Right now we're going through as spell of rainy weather. Thanks for the suggestion!

    • See 1 previous
    • Teacup8885 Teacup8885 on Jan 08, 2019

      Sorry I just thought u were trying to fix a hairline crack..

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jan 03, 2019

    Hello I wish I could see your actual damage on your gate —my go to miracle repair tip is the Oatey epoxy putty stick. I find it easier to work with than bondo and this clay like putty can be sculpted and fill defects. It does harden in a few minutes and will dry a gray color can be sanded or drilled and will needing painting unless its final gray color works for your repair.

    It's a two-part epoxy sticky-found at big box hardware stores in the plumbing department near the pvc purple glue. In a clear plastic red capped tube. I get mine at Lowes $6. Home Depots its version and JB Weld is another but more $ and smaller. Other smaller 2 part epoxy sticks options can also be found in the boat marine and wood repair shopping sections.

    You mix -press -then you can use scrape off excess (I use depleted gift card) and/or sand and paint. Cured putty is strong enough to drill through.

    Putty safely seals/waterproofs for plumbing boat repairs.... Ive used it for exterior entry door frame wood rot repair, elliptical pedal repair, multiple arts and crafts repair of damaged pottery- wood -ceramics, plug up holes in planters, repair cracks in planters or make a new lip on the pottery planter. Ive repaired holes in a utility garage sink ( thanks previous HO) repaired a break in the top rim border of an elliptical peddle, repaired damages in a concrete statue, fixed a split wood disk on a wind chime, its a great defect filler, those ornately detailed gold plaster frames and be repaired with this putty and wood filler.

    Its a product I might suggest ypu try prior to replacement. It will be a gray repair but plastic friendly spray paint would correct that.

    comment photo
    • Dawn Dawn on Jan 05, 2019

      Thank you so much for the assistance and the picture of the Oatey Fix it Stick. This is something I think will work for the gate since it is on the side of one part of my house just our next door neighbor sees and my family and it would be under the gate latch. Not many people I feel would really notice it but to be aesthetically pleasing I would paint it white especially when we ever decide to sell and move from our home. You really have to get up close to the gate to see the crack and truly our dogs don't jump up on the gate but just like to look through the area where the gate hangs to see who is on the other side.