How do I restore pitted chrome sink drain surrounds?

by Mau29229985
  3 answers
  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Feb 23, 2019

    Could you send a picture with your question? Having some confusion of what you mean by sink drain surrounds.

  • Crystal Meyer Griffith Crystal Meyer Griffith on Feb 23, 2019

    Don't waste your time trying to restore these. They are quite inexpensive to replace. You just need the new drain set and some plumbers putty.

    Would also recommend a bucket of some sort for removing the trap as well as testing for leaks. BTW, the excess putty can be put back into the container. Store upside down and it shouldn't dry out on you.

  • Huntress Huntress on Feb 23, 2019

    I have that problem. Replace is not an option. I'm gonna sand lightly and use a small bottle of auto paint, they sell for touchups, let dry for a week or so to cure. Auto withstand heat, cold etc. So should work.