How to repair wood on window seat?

Leah Schertz
by Leah Schertz
We have a long window seat in our living room. The top of it is discolored/ damaged (from markers and duct tape). I want to know the best (cheapest & easiest) way to correct these imperfections. I'm guessing I'll need to sand the top and re-stain, but I'd like a little guidance. Thanks in advance!
  8 answers
  • Brenda Brenda on Apr 03, 2014
    It looks like you will need to re-sand it and be sure to sand with the grain of the wood. Then get a matching stain and try using a rag to rub the stain right in to the wood. May need a couple of coats. When it looks deep enough in colour, then put a sealer over it to seal it. Hope this helps
  • Lela Lela on Apr 03, 2014
    Leah Schert ....Personally, I would use just use oil on it. For small things, I've used olive oil, but I'm not sure how that would work for something you sit on. Oil will remove the dirt & "feed" the wood. And it's easier than sanding, etc. Ask at your hardware store.
  • Theresa Hughes Theresa Hughes on Apr 04, 2014
    I would just use wood staining marker in coresponding shade works great may nede to sand slighly especially the darker area but just sand enough to remove the stain not the wood
  • Meem Kaplan Meem Kaplan on Apr 04, 2014
    Doily runner.....
  • Bonnie Lewenza Bonnie Lewenza on Apr 04, 2014
    Try cleaning it and then take some walnuts and rub them in with the grain. Stand back and watch the walnut work its magic. I don't know why this works but it does.
    • Sharon Sharon on Jan 22, 2015
      @Bonnie Lewenza I am interested in trying this, would you use the walnut shell or the actual nut? Thanks, Sharon
  • Z Z on Apr 05, 2014
    Leah, because of the stains on it I'd recommend using a furniture refinisher and then a Tung oil finish in satin. I'm sharing a couple pieces I did this way. They're not perfect, but it does work wonders. What it does is soften and redistribute the finish. In some cases it lightens it a bit. If you're matching, and in your case you will be, you'll need to stain it before adding the Tung oil.
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  • Jhmarie Jhmarie on Mar 19, 2016
    I use Citristrip to strip damaged wood. It is low odor and environmentally safe so wont smell up your house, but it is a messy job so if there is a way to disconnect the top and move it to a good workspace, that would be easier. The stripping is not hard. Use a putty knife gently to lift the old finish off and have a disposable container - I just grab something out of the plastic recycle bin - and put the goo (finish + stripper) in the container. I use 3M final stripping pads dipped in stripper to get off any remainder finish. Clean the piece thoroughly with mineral spirits - you must remove all stripper or the new finish will not take, and let dry. Lightly sand - there should be little if any finish left, so just hand sand. Stain and poly. I use water based polyurethane - it takes several coats usually 2 hours apart, but smells less. It doesn't look great when you brush it on but dries nice if you do thin quick coats.
  • Lane Lane on Aug 07, 2016
    The water stains will never look right. I fixed window seats with sticky back veneer. Finished project looked fantastic and got lots of compliments.