How to capp a stair railing?

by A

I have a 30 year old home, with a 30 year old handrail going to my upstairs. It looks like a plastic type molded railing on top of iron rods. I can't afford to replace the entire staircase, so I was hoping to maybe "cap" the handrail with a wooden rail. Can this be done and if so, how do I do it? Thanks.

  4 answers
  • William William on Aug 11, 2018

    You would need to drill screw holes into the metal railing about every foot or so. Place the wood rail on the metal rail and screw from underneath in the holes you drilled.

    • A A on Aug 12, 2018

      Thank you, William. I appreciate the information.

  • Cathy Dillon Cathy Dillon on Aug 11, 2018

    I don't really know- but the handrail is supposed to be mainly a safety thing, and if it works now, you don't want to mess it up.

    I am thinking perhaps you could ADD as I think you meant " cap" the existing plastic railing with a piece of wood.

    Might be better or equally easy/ difficult to replace the railing piece with wood.

    What is at the TOP and Bottom of the railing? Do you have access to both ends and a straight line of railing for the entire thing?

  • Karen Ardillo Karen Ardillo on Aug 12, 2018

    I agree with William, putting wood over the metal rail would update, securely. To dismantle would compromise the security it provides. Rails come with an indent for the posts, ensure your current railing fits in the indent or customize to fit. Secure from bottom, first w glue and screws. This will give you a clean banister. Good luck w your project!

  • A A on Aug 12, 2018

    Thanks, Karen.