How to eliminate steps in front of Raised Ranch house.

  7 answers
  • Barbara Barbara on Apr 20, 2018

    Ah, the Connecticut raised ranch. I'm not seeing a description of your dilemma. Am I right in assuming you want to have a ramp to your door? If so I can only see swinging the sidewalk further out into the yard and using retaining walls and lots of fill dirt to make a gentle slope up to the door. If the sidewalk stays where it is the slope would be too steep for wheelchair access.

    • Patricia DeRenzo Patricia DeRenzo on Apr 21, 2018

      Would you know where I might get pics of the design you are talking about? Yes, I need to prepare for time when I will not be able to do steps. Getting up there in age. Appreciate your help.

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Apr 20, 2018

    I widened my front porch area, then made the steps super wide.

  • Rymea Rymea on Apr 21, 2018


  • M. M.. M. M.. on Apr 21, 2018

    rather than making the ramp perpendicular to the front door, why not build the ramp parallel to the front wall, with a large landing at the top to swing into the door? Nobody likes those long bowling alleys shooting straight out from the house. A parallel ramp would allow you to grow some plants along side it, and it needn't block the basement window, on whichever side you place it. that way also, if you are driven into the driveway, you needn't go out to the front of the ramp, it could start in the driveway. Some ramps are long and shallow, with a level spot midway rather than short and steep. The ramp would beat the same angle as your walkway is now, in the picture, but closer to the house to make it to the top of the steps. I can draw you a picture if you can't picture this! good Luck!

  • M. M.. M. M.. on Apr 21, 2018

    excellent, Sharon! So many attractive choices, from metal portable ramps (covered by some insurances it seems!) to permanent built-in brick, wood and stonework ramps! It makes me kind of want one just for walking up and down on for trips in and out of the house!

  • Patricia DeRenzo Patricia DeRenzo on Feb 22, 2019

    Can inside doorways be widened for wheelchair access? How wide do they have to be?