Ideas needed for upcycling an old caravan awning

by Gin3135943
I have already started upcycling an old caravan awning, made several covers for my garden furniture from the fabric with zips, and several shopping bags from the fabric. I'm left with all the windows and the pannels of clear plastic, and need ideas to use them too, any suggestions would be welcome, please
  4 answers
  • Ronda Torbic Ronda Torbic on Feb 11, 2017

    You could duct tape them together to make a large play mat or tarp, to line storage shelves, or cut them into various sizesd shapes and paint hem to make a mobile, or you could possible make a small green house. You have a lot of possibilitie. Good luck with the creative thinking.

  • Lindcurt Lindcurt on Feb 11, 2017

    Tomato tents for earlier planting of tomatoes. Wrap the plastic around your tomato cages. It will protect them from too cool temperatures in the early part of the growing season. Add some large rocks or a milk jug of water to absorb excess heat during the day and to keep the plant warm at night.

  • Gin3135943 Gin3135943 on Feb 12, 2017

    Thanks for your ideas,

  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Feb 13, 2017

    You can use them to cover your garden decor in the rainy-season. That way, you cans till see your decor but they won't get damaged by the rain. Let us know how it goes!