Looking to take a medium cable spool and make into a tall bar table

by Rochelle
It will have bar stools around it on sit out on my deck. I am stumped on how to make the spool taller. Any suggestions? Thx
  7 answers
  • Nancy Flemming Nancy Flemming on May 29, 2016
    You could cut it in half and add a circle of ply wood put in some blocks to add the height another plywood cirlce on top all screwed down. Finish with paint or stain, then wrap that section with rope to hide the addition and give it a nice feature. Good luck let us know when your project is finished.
  • Mandy Brown Mandy Brown on May 29, 2016
    You can go to thrift stores or Goodwill and look for old floor lamps. Depending on the base material you may be able to cut them down and some will come apart in sections. I've also used old wooden survey tripods that have the adjustable legs so you can set it to the height you want. Use cross braces or chains to keep the legs from being accidentally knocked loose. Old pole bases (cast iron) with a piece of pipe cut to length would also work. Use a plumbing flange at the top to connect it to the underside of the table. My boyfriend and I made a little cafe table using a 1967 Chevy steering wheel (the big honkin' ones), a piece of pipe and the base was a Chevy hub cap. Depending on the size of your spool and the material you want to use, there are a lot of possibilities.
    comment photo
  • William William on May 29, 2016
    For a quick solution, I would get eight pieces of 4x4's cut to the desired height and screw them to the bottom for feet. Paint them with a metallic paint so they don't look like wood.
  • Rochelle Rochelle on May 29, 2016
    great idea. Thank you
  • Jennie Lee Jennie Lee on May 29, 2016
    If you can get another spool, take the bottom off one and the top and bottom off the second one. Stack the first on top of the second. Put a circle of plywood on the bottom of the second one to hold it together. Put little feet on the bottom to raise it off your deck so rain can dry. Add exterior paint or some other weather-resistant finish. Add a strip of trim around where the two spools join. Maybe stencil industrial-looking things on it. Since it has a hole in the middle, maybe add an umbrella--? Mount a bottle opener on it. If no umbrella, maybe put an ice bucket down in it.
    • Rochelle Rochelle on May 29, 2016
      Wow, thanks so much Jennie. I will try thisI if I can get another one:)
  • Jennie Lee Jennie Lee on May 29, 2016
    You'd probably need something heavy in the bottom, to prevent tipping.