New use for this rusty thing?

I have this large rusty metal item in my yard. I think it used to be used as a fire pit. How can I upcycle this into something attractive? All I can imagine is planting flowers inside. Thanks!
  6 answers
  • Pat Russell Pat Russell on May 04, 2018

    It must be pretty large! Can it be the beginning of some fantastic yard art?

  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on May 04, 2018

    I would start by spraying with a rust converter. This will keep the look but not let it continue to deteriorate

  • it looks like a cut up 55 gallon drum that someone maybe used as a burn barrel or fire pit. If you can clean it out, maybe spray with a rust inhibitor and then a spray paint for metal. Maybe put some sort of stabilizing wood pieces at the bottom and then use as a decorative planter.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on May 04, 2018

    I would start by making sure I have had a tetanus shot in the last 8 years. The rust needs to be scraped off with a stiff broom or brush. Then spray paint the whole barrel with Rustoleum in the color of your choice. Then use someone else’s idea as to a super idea for use. ☺️

  • Ray Porter Ray Porter on May 04, 2018

    Exactly! Dont waste money on rust converter. Use it as a fireback yard fire pit. Dig a hole, set it in. Put some nice patio stones or flat stones around. The metal will eventually break down over time and then you will have to do soething else. If it looks like it has weak spots in the metal now. Throw it out.

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on May 04, 2018

    Fill it with soil, make a fairy garden. Use small plants etc. They are selling these completed for a lot of money.