Easy ways to make basement window well covers that aren't too heavy?

by Tc833073097
I want to be able to open the unit if we need to get out because of a fire. So not so heavy. I would also like it to be angled downward and have something that keeps out the rain. Thank you
  6 answers
  • Bijous Bijous on Jun 15, 2018

    Make a wooden frame and attach three quarter lucite/acrylic/lexan to it. The acrylic will provide light, is lightweight, but at 3/4 is sturdy. Good luck.

  • Alice Alice on Jun 15, 2018

    I found a DIY make your own window well covers

  • Barbara Van Kampen Barbara Van Kampen on Jun 16, 2018

    Ours are from Home Depot, they are hinged so they open. From the inside, there’s a pin you pull to unlock them in case of an emergency. This is one of those situations where you should not waste your time trying to rig something up

  • Carol Cole Carol Cole on Jun 16, 2018

    Don't throw the other one away , you will need for something else. Cost too much to throw away.

  • Carol Cole Carol Cole on Jun 16, 2018

    You did a great job.

  • Deborah Deborah on Jun 16, 2018

    Build like a coldframe, can use recycled windows or clear plexi sheet roofing. Can probably even add a lock on the inside for security.