How can you convert old vertical blind track to curtains?

  3 answers
  • Susan Susan on Aug 30, 2018

    depending on how the clips are for the blinds, you can either use curtain hooks or if there are no holes in each blind clip you can try a few other ways. Such as 1: folding the curtain by 1/2 inches till it is thick enough to be held by the clip or if you can sew you can sewing in small button holes to give the clip something to clip on to. You could also just try a dowel rod or thin curtain rod, and use the valance clips to hold the rod.

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    • Susan Susan on Aug 30, 2018

      Depending on the weight of the curtains. Rule of thumb is always 2 times the width of the window. But if they are heavy you probably don't want to do them 2 times the width. I would use every clip to help with the draping of the material

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Dec 31, 2022

    Use fine hooks available at Curtain Stores or Haberdashery dept.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jan 01, 2023