What is the best length to hang curtains over baseboard heater?

by Melissa
  4 answers
  • Cor32419347 Cor32419347 on Apr 28, 2019

    You will get different answers here. I suggest window casing length. You do not want to block the flow.

  • Dee Dee on Apr 28, 2019

    Hang them so they do not touch the baseboard heating. You do not want to block the air flow as you stated. You can also buy 63 inch length to just cover the sills.

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Apr 28, 2019

    Honestly, they say not to have them near the baseboard, but I've had mine almost covering the baseboard for 15 years. I like the more formal look of curtains close to the floor. My curtains aren't real heavy though.

  • Gk Gk on May 02, 2019

    I often buy 72 inch length curtains. They fall just between/middle of the area between the bottom window sill and the top of the baseboard. Far enough away to be safe but still look nice. Sometimes 63 inch curtains are just a bit too short and don't cover the window trim--of course that will depend on the size of your windows. From a decorators standpoint it may not be a "proper" length but I am happy with it and it works for me! I have had things get scorched from accidently resting on the baseboard--pillows, aftgans--so I would never consider letting anything rest up against electric baseboard heaters.