These were a nice find also, but not sure how to re use them.Help, anyone !!!

Judith F
by Judith F
I guess they were post knobs????
  33 answers
  • Gail Salminen Gail Salminen on Feb 24, 2013
    @Judith F they could be used as feet under a table, dresser or cabinet to give it more character. Could also be used on the top four posts of a wooden planter. Do post a pic of what you do with them, they are indeed a great find. Thanks for posting :)
  • Judith F Judith F on Feb 24, 2013
    Thanks, but I only have the 3.I will post when I use them
  • Kat Tellez Kat Tellez on Feb 24, 2013
    Even with 3 you could use them as feet for an ottoman or other small piece of furniture. I have some that are similar.
  • Lorraine F Lorraine F on Feb 25, 2013
    Yes...they're a bun foot for could add them to the bottom of a wood storage box!
  • Judith F Judith F on Feb 25, 2013
    Thank you Kat and Lorraine!I now have some good advice.
  • Bomorrow Bomorrow on Feb 25, 2013
    You could split them in half - top to bottom - and put them under the front of your bathroom vanity or kitchen cabinets, paint them and the footing under your cabinets the same color and make them look like furniture.
  • Linda Linda on Feb 25, 2013
    You can make a triangle planter/waste basket/magazine holder, and attach to bottom and stain to match. Maybe remove screws and attach to other end for wider area on floor. I know there not screws but I don't know the name, should have threads inside the wood also, if they are what I think.
  • Jim D Jim D on Feb 25, 2013
    If your home has a fireplace, you could stack/arrange them ornamentally next to it, and on the next extra cold night when the utility that normally heats your home (gas, electricity, fuel oil?) fails, well, see how long it takes your friends to notice that the decoration motif around your fireplace has changed!
  • Judith F Judith F on Feb 25, 2013
    Interesting, indeed, thanks!
  • Daryl Jeter Daryl Jeter on Feb 25, 2013
    We found some that are similar and replaced the couch legs. An inch makes a lot of difference in getting up off the couch as we age
  • Z Z on Feb 25, 2013
    By the size of them in comparison to the jar in the photo I'd agree they are bun feet. Having only three doesn't keep you from using them on a piece of furniture. I added just two to the front of a plain base cabinet using just cut lumber for the back lets that you don't see when the piece is against the wall. If you have a long plain base dresser you could use the three legs in the front with plain lumber in the back to raise and up date the piece.
  • Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls on Feb 25, 2013
    You could attach wheels to the bottoms(or not) and place a planting pot or urn on top for your patio.
  • Mary Jones Mary Jones on Feb 25, 2013
    You could possibly, make a lamp base.
  • Judith F Judith F on Feb 26, 2013
    Like this idea!!!!Thanks!!
  • Sandy Lueker Sandy Lueker on Mar 31, 2013
    I would use them as bun feet for a home made coffee table or benche
  • Cindy Rockwell A Cindy Rockwell A on Apr 02, 2013
    Use a pallet and make either a huge ottoman or coffee table. I have the same feet and just got a pallet and the foam from a furniture store from extra cushions(free just asked) I am going to cover the foam with indoor out door fabric for a porch ottoman.
  • Judith F Judith F on Apr 03, 2013
    Be sure and show photo!
  • SheerIdeas SheerIdeas on Apr 05, 2013
    Idea 1) take the long screw off and attach them to a decorative piece of wood and use as a hanger on a wall by a door (coats, purse, etc). Idea 2) Use two of them on the front underside of the bathroom vanity to give it a more 'furniture' appeal/look to them. Idea 3) get 3 fence posts and cut at various lengths for height variance.....glue these to the top as decorative and paint the whole post and then put coat hooks on the fence posts for wreath on one, small decorative bird house hanging on another...whatever!
  • Judith F Judith F on Apr 05, 2013
    Great ideas!!Thanks so much for sharing. Still thinking, I may use them for feet on an old, but well preserved redwood planter.
  • Ann Ann on Aug 01, 2015
    I think because of the screws they were feet for a sofa. I attached some to a shelf so that I had a place for the tv on top and the VCR underneath!
  • Ginger Bibb Ginger Bibb on Aug 18, 2015
    Add these to the bottom of your grandmothers trunk for a family keepsake.
  • Jan Jan on Oct 07, 2015
    If you have a piece of furniture that you would like to elevate, use these as legs.
  • JudiGlo JudiGlo on Jan 26, 2016
    Flip them over, paint them have snowmen
  • Dixie Gossien Dixie Gossien on Jan 26, 2016
    ok, I had these and this is what I did. first remove the screw. then I had these decorative hooks that I attached flat to side that the screw was on. painted the whole thing. turned it over. now the hook is coming from the bottom to hank a Christmas stocking on. then I had some odd nativity pieces that I glued to the top. they turned out really great. actually sold them for, I had 4, for $100.
    • Hb Hb on Jun 05, 2016
      @Dixie Gossien Hi Dixie , sounds neat my only question is how did these hang or sit .With the hook coming out the top which is now the bottom they cant sit flat on a mantle , so must hang up , did you put another hook out the other end so it could hang off of something ? I hope this makes some sort of sense when you read this
  • Teea Hall Teea Hall on Jan 27, 2016
    how many do you have 4 or 3? if you have 4, you could shorten themn for a chair or couch...I would carve them out for a bird feeder and hang in a tree
  • Belinda de Kock Belinda de Kock on Jan 28, 2016
    you could make a lamp stand by stacking them or candle holders.
  • Jack Jack on Mar 06, 2016
    I painted them and used them as "bun" feet when I turned my bookcase into a pantry! I've been looking for more of them ever since! Quite attractive....
    comment photo
  • Gabrielle Falk Gabrielle Falk on Aug 01, 2016
    Sand them back, and paint any colour of your choice for 'coat hangers' or other. You might have to replace the screws so they would be suitable for your type of wall, or where you want to put them. Maybe on the back of the bathroom door, or laundry door.
  • Sandy Ray Sandy Ray on Sep 01, 2016
    These are called bun feet and are used to raise furniture pieces. There is a mounting bracket that is mounted to the bottom of the dresser, couch, whatever.... then the bun is screwed into bracket. You can buy brackets at Lowe's or Home Depot. The screw on the bun can be adjusted for height. I used mine on a bathroom vanity.
  • Lynda Otey Lynda Otey on Sep 17, 2016
    Remove the screw, turn them upside down, paint white and turn them into snowmen! Each one would be different.
  • Isabel Nemeth Isabel Nemeth on Oct 14, 2016
    Get a vegetable box, like the ones you can find at COSTCO. Recover the box with fabric, glue or staple. Add an old pillow, put the legs and Preston a pet bed!
  • Isabel Nemeth Isabel Nemeth on Oct 14, 2016
    You could use a colorful shower curtain instead of fabric.
  • Law2131193 Law2131193 on Oct 22, 2016
    I think they would make cute bee hives if you flipped them over after removing the bolt!!😉