Boys action figure house

by Nikkiof13
My boyfriend found this on the side of the road. As you can see it is taller than my youngest son. It's close to 5FT. Since I have boys I don't want a doll house but an action figure house. I was thinking of having each room as a different theme. Star Wars, Legos, Power Rangers, Justice League, etc.
People on here seem to always have amazing ideas and are a lot more creative than me. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.
  12 answers
  • B. Enne B. Enne on Nov 10, 2015
    What if you found images on Google of command bases, HQs etc. for the different movies, size them on our computer for the room wall sizes and the print them on a colour printer. For the Lego one you could make ''furniture" with Lego blocks inside the room. Paint the surrounding walls or ceilings in coordinating colours. You could use some trading/collector cards as artwork in the different rooms. Use LED Christmas lights for lighting or back-lit ''computer panels''. I'm thinking for example Star Trek's bridge with printed computer displays with lights...whatever the equivalent is for the movies you mentioned. You could also add ''Fire Poles" to go from one level to the other...and thick short ropes.
  • Lorna Merryfield Lorna Merryfield on Nov 11, 2015
    you could paint each room the main color of the super heroes, then go from there, and personally I wouldn't go with furniture, that is what doll houses are full of, I would go with bins, or plastic hooks along the walls for the heroes to be attached to while not in play.
  • Grangerite Grangerite on Nov 11, 2015
    put stick on battery lights on each ceiling,so he has a light for each room. Paint one wall in each room black board paint so he can draw his own cartoon good guy or bad guy or diffe not back grounds. On wall with Velcro strips for action figures that climb walls. Paint other walls white cause the action figures won't get lost in the colored walls. Put garage door on one bottom room for bat mobile storage or what ever they get around on.paint the front gray to look like a tall building.
  • Nancy Nancy on Nov 11, 2015
    I raised two litttle superheroes so my life was filled with action heroes too. If cost is an issue, go to any Dollar store or Walmart. Buy cheap notebook covers in the school supply section. I have a grandson now so I know there is a notebook cover with every action figure on the cover. Use them as the wallpaper for each room. Choose your paint color to match the notebook cover. If you have a bit more cash, lots of posters are available. Look around for coloring book or comic book covers. I framed them for my my sons room years ago when there wasn't a lot to choose from. After the rooms have been painted, use a series of spider webs (twine) to make Spiderman's cave. Use some bats left over from Halloween for Batman's cave. Or you could have your son design something with Legos for the other superheroes rooms. We always built caves and buildings when my sons were young. Who knew that one day, my adult son would dedicate an entire room to his childhood Star Wars' collection. My five year old grandson now shares his dad's room and is also enamoured with the old and new Star Wars characters. Creative moms inspire creativity in their children. My son designs web sites for a living and my grandson wants to build buildings when he grows up. May the force be with you. Make this a project that you and your son enjoy together.
  • Nikkiof13 Nikkiof13 on Nov 11, 2015
    Awesome ideas guys, thank you :)
  • Me Me on Nov 11, 2015
    Maybe make each space a different scene, like desert, moonscape, underwater, night time in the city... just with paint and they can explore and battle etc in those places? Maybe pirates, castles... endless possibilities.
  • David Heuer David Heuer on Nov 11, 2015
    The bottom floor would be a great "underground" garage and laboratory.
  • Wendy Henley Wendy Henley on Nov 11, 2015
    If you have a computer and printer you can print out different super hero scenes and decoupage on the walls with a liquid glue wash. Like spiderman climbing on a wall at an angle, or a scene of a planet from star wars in another room. Let your son help you pick out the scenes and put them up. You'd be surprised how they'll take care of things when they have ownership! Good luck and have fun with it!!
  • Sue Sanders Sue Sanders on Nov 11, 2015
    Anything taller than our children got fasteded to the wall. You never know when a child will decide to climb on something. You have some good ideas on use of this item for your boys. I had four girls so had to come up with doll ideas.. made them a doll cake....and eventually driver license cakes....then wedding cakes. They had me doing their childrens cakes until I bought each of them a set of decorating tubes and supply of paste colors for icing. ha! I let them, as children, practice on cookie sheets the different borders, writing and flower making while I did the big cakes for customers.
  • Bron Bron on Nov 11, 2015
    I agree with sue regarding safety. It pays to secure items like this. I have a grandson who just loves to climb. Why are boys naturally like that more than girls? Also another idea would be to use the whole house for storage of books, toys etc.Paste the walls with your son's favorite book characters such as Dr Seuss characters, or Winnie the pooh etc.....
  • EdiLeck EdiLeck on Nov 11, 2015
    What a wonderful find! I'd say, "Ask the kids!" I'm sure they will have tons of Ideas what they would like to play with. Watch your boys play: see how they interact with their figures. I would venture a guess that they mimic battle scenes! So set it up for what they 'do.' Various platforms, chutes, ambush hides, etc. I would leave all the spaces generic though, (generic space scene, non-specific HQ, general street scene, etc.)because you just can't have Justice League gallivanting through a Star Wars scene! Oh the absurdity of it! can you tell I have boys? This was a big deal when mine were younger!
  • Amy Johnson Amy Johnson on Nov 11, 2015
    Get an action figure comic book and decoupage pages in back. Paint outside and shelves a matching color then display action figures in action for older kids.