Looking for Ideas for Leftover Wood Chips

by Kricket
I have a bunch of wood chips left over from building a doll house any ideas of what to do with them?
  7 answers
  • Nikki Nikki on Nov 17, 2015
    I just saw a post on here of an adorable wood chip Christmas tree they glued them on a Styrofoam cone. It was very cute and it looked like something from pottery barn, I actually had to ask where to buy the wood chips because I want to make one myself. :) I'm not sure how to share that post with you? but I'm sure you could do a search for it... I would think there would be a lot of different things you could do with them it would just depend on what type of things your looking to make, as far as holiday décor, or everyday items or possibly some type of art work for your wall could be made by painting/staining them and sticking them on wood or canvas? :)
  • JoAnn Dibeler JoAnn Dibeler on Nov 17, 2015
    Do you camp or have campfires at home? Paper cups filled with wood chips or sawdust, pour melted paraffin over them. Put them in your campfire kindling and light the paper cup.
  • Hope Williams Hope Williams on Nov 17, 2015
    Hi Latira. What size, type, etc. it's a little hard to give adequate advice without a pic or sizing. Wood chips to me atleast are considered mulch. Can you be a little more specific? Thank you, Hope
  • Nikki Nikki on Nov 17, 2015
    From building a dollhouse myself I am assuming your talking about the little wood chip shingles for the roof? Is that correct? If not I agree with @Hope Williams on the size you have and if you have any possible ideas or needs or crafts or home décor for your house. I would love to help you out and come up with something for both of our leftovers haaha! :)
  • Becca Becca on Nov 17, 2015
    They could be put on a bird house. You could drill holes in them and make a garland, I agree that a picture would make it easier to visualize the possibilities.
  • Kricket Kricket on Nov 20, 2015
    My camera is broken at this time lolgrandaughter broke it sorry but they are about an inch long square on one end rounded on the other n half inch wide and they are flat