
Tracey T
by Tracey T
I have seen some trees here in the Dallas area that I would like to know if anyone knows what they are..Most are shaped up like a pear and they all have tiny white blooms on them right now, no leaves yet.
  9 answers
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Mar 09, 2013
    five white petals...typically means the plant belongs in the (rose family) of which apples, pears, cherry etc belong. There can be dozen of different varieties.
  • Tracey T Tracey T on Mar 09, 2013
    Thank you, I have been looking all over the internet and haven't run across it yet! Maybe I will go up to the homeowner and ask them and hopefully they will know!
  • Tracey T Tracey T on Mar 09, 2013
    I found out it is called a Bradford Pear..
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  • Lawn Pro Lawn Pro on Mar 10, 2013
    Sounds like a Bradford pear tree.great tree,but doesn't standvup to --hurricanes and High winds.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Mar 10, 2013
    One of the greatest pleasures of Spring here in Atlanta are the Bradford Pear Trees blooming. About 30+ years or so ago, they became the rage here so they are everywhere and I LOVE THEM!
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Mar 10, 2013
    Tracey, there are many good alternatives to Bradford pears, which are undeniably lovely when in bloom, but otherwise have a whole host of problems. See this from Alabama Cooperative Extension:
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Mar 10, 2013
    All of the trees in my yard are white today...but it is not due to flowers. We got just under a foot yesterday.
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  • H.C. Lawn H.C. Lawn on Mar 10, 2013
    this says begin falling apart after 20 years ? really how many landscape last much more if they bloom every yr . I keep i UGLY peach tree out side my bed room window just because it looks so good for a week when it blooms . just saying do the other trees choices have the same flower ?
  • Tracey T Tracey T on Mar 10, 2013
    Thank you ALL for your comments, I read that they are beautiful but not good trees to have. Jeanette I knew I had seen them in Ga. I used to live in Lawrenceville. I think the climate here is pretty much the same here. KMS love it! Magnificent beauty, I am a sun lover Doug thank you for the the link, I will check up on it! H.C I would love to see a photo of your peach tree in bloom, please share once it does! I love Hometalk for this reason, being able to ask and receive..Thanks again!