Painting wooden floors

Marina Muhlberg
by Marina Muhlberg
Our Douglas Fir wooden floors have over the years been oversanded. Some areas are in good & other areas are in really bad shape. Time has come to do something about them. I LOVE the look of white painted floor boards. Is anyone living with white painted floor boards & how has it been from a maintainance and cleaning point of view?
  8 answers
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Mar 30, 2013
    White anything will be tough to keep clean, Floors probably lead that list. On a second note Doug Fir is a pretty soft wood, and by its very nature is a poor choice for flooring. The bulk of my home is either hardwood (Bolivian Rosewood or Jatoba (Brazilian cherry)) both of these wood are about three times harder that most normal hardwoods. The other main flooring material I have is tile, I have a mix of granite, ceramic and travertine. These are in all of the "wet" areas (kitchen, bath, laundry, entry and my office which is off the kitchen) depending on your traffic and location installing some tile or overlaying some new "hardwood" would be a longer lasting option.
  • Mary Insana Mary Insana on Mar 30, 2013
    I bet a really cool look would be to use painters tape and tape off wide areas so it looks like planks and then do a 2 coats of a flat white paint that has been watered down a little, like a wash. Then pull up the tape and do a coat of water based poly. Another thing you can do is get the tinted stain at Home Depot or Lowes and do a white washed stain. I think both would be nice and would get your floors white without doing totally stark white.
  • Marina Muhlberg Marina Muhlberg on Mar 30, 2013
    Bedankt voor je antwoord! (I am from a Dutch background) Will definitely take your suggestions on board ... was thinking of bamboo overlaying the existing Douglas Fir ,,,
  • Marina Muhlberg Marina Muhlberg on Mar 30, 2013
    Thanks Mary ... something different to consider ,,, all helps! Is a big decision ,, need to REALLY consider all options >> appreciate your imput!
  • PNP Craftsmen PNP Craftsmen on Mar 31, 2013
    The paint option is definitely not the longest lasting, but then again neither are wood floors in wet areas. One advantage of the paint option is that you can do it relatively inexpensively and change your look easily. Here is an article on a painted floor, the top left pictures shows moderate wear and the pictures in the album link at the end show what 10 years of wear looked like before we repainted. I would not let it go that long. Without a pattern, painting a floor using quick dry materials would take a day or two at the most.
    comment photo
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Mar 31, 2013
    @Marina Muhlberg I would avoid is a "greenwashed" product and my experience has shown that is does not hold up as well as other more sustainable real hardwood flooring.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Apr 01, 2013
    Before you go to the expense of putting anything over these floors, Why not try a darker stain? Stain covers a lot of flaws and would not be difficult to keep clean. And a satin finish would not show dust so badly.
  • Marina Muhlberg Marina Muhlberg on Apr 01, 2013
    Hi Jeanette; thank you for your imput. It is an option worth considering, although I am concerned that it may darken our home too much .. Will put into the the ideas box though. I am not rushing into any decisions at the moment until I have throughly considered all options open to me. Is SUCH a big decision to make!