garage doors

by MLH
I saw some new "faux wood" garage doors at a home show and fell in love with them. The cost to replace ours are way too expensive. We have standard insulated steel doors that are plain. Anyone have ideas on how to do it yourself and make it look like real wood.
  5 answers
  • Cynthia O Cynthia O on Apr 08, 2013
    Check out my first post on Hometalk!
  • Don's Doors Don's Doors on Apr 10, 2013
    Don's Doors - Teaneck, NJ - Wood finish steel garage doors can be expensive but they usually have some type of guarantee on the faux finish. There are ways to get that look but on the exterior of your house it might not last too long before the finish goes bad and needs to be stripped and done again. I'm not a painter but if you hired someone good enough to do that type of work correctly it might cost more than new garage doors.
  • MLH MLH on Apr 10, 2013
    Thanks for this information on painting steel garage doors and also on Clopay. Our doors are so plain and I really want something that stands out, so I will use the site to upload a picture of the house and try to see how it would look with the faux wood.
  • MLH MLH on Apr 14, 2013
    The information given has been extremely helpful and now I must decide how I want to proceed. Thanks to Cynthia O, Don's Doors and Clopay for your help.
  • TheresaM TheresaM on Mar 21, 2015
    Hi Cynthia, there are now more companies offering faux wood garage doors. Prices of faux wood garage doors have come down quite a bit. Compare quotes from Clopay (, Ranch House Doors ( or, Ackue (, Martin Door ( and I installed my faux wood garage door 2014. They are gorgeous and virtually maintenance free.
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