replacing pondless waterfall

Sherrie S
by Sherrie S
I'm having my pondless waterfall redone because I want the view opened up and still keep the water feature and have seating room. The new waterfall will be viewed from all angles.......the current one is best seen from inside the house.
side view
front view
  27 answers
  • Make sure you post us photos when things are all set. We wanto to see your new view as well!
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Jan 20, 2012
    Today it looks like I will get what I asked for - OPEN view. The OLD looks beautiful now.
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  • Looking forward to see the completed job!
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Jan 20, 2012
    Kevin, I am pleased to see your posting because you do know what you are talking about and warn us about potential problems. I want you to know that I have worked with this vendor very recently on a larger home project and have 100 percent faith in him. My advise is: If you haven't worked with the vendor - pay a lot of attention to Kevin's postings and get a VERY detailed write up. If you don't you may be very, very unhappy.
  • Thanks Sherrie! Be sure to check out my website and like me on facebook (under BewareOfContractor). Wesites like Hometalk give construction professionals an opportunity to help consumers and educate them and I am glad to help do my part. And great that you have past positive experience with the contractor! Any project can go wrong for any number of reasons but a good contractor and positive experiences often suggest that if something does go wrong, they will make it right.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Jan 21, 2012
    Can't wait to see the finished job, Sherrie. I can see why you wanted to open up the view: it is lovely!
  • Vicky E Vicky E on Jan 21, 2012
    I think it will be beautiful. We just built our first koi/watergarden this past spring complete with a waterfall but have plans on re-doing the waterfall this spring already. We want it to be bigger and install lights! We LOVE sitting out on the deck and looking at the fish, watching the plants grow and hearing the sound of the water. Nothing better!! I have added a photo of what it looked like in July.
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  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Jan 21, 2012
    Vicky E, I had my koi pond, 2 waterfalls, dog run with picket fence and pondless waterfall done by a professional company about 9 or 10 years ago. Very little will be changed from their original install. My idea of what I want now is different than it was 9 or 10 years ago. The original job made me very happy for a long time; then I decided what I want now and why the changes. If you do it yourself I am so very proud of you as I realize how difficult this job really is. I will be posting more later.
  • Faidra at  CA Global Inc Faidra at CA Global Inc on Jan 22, 2012
    wow, can't wait to see the finished product
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Jan 23, 2012
    I have no concept of the finished product but I can see the view I wanted. Looks like concrete & wood to me. On the other hand, I know it will be perfect.
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  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Jan 25, 2012
    Today they pour cement.
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  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Jan 25, 2012
    Poor guys - cement truck failed on highway. Got a replacement truck but then while on the job the hose with the concrete stopped working. Well, it is a long distance but several guys with wheelbarrows hauled concrete.
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Jan 30, 2012
    Just a couple more days before the final pictures.
  • Looking forward to seeing them!
  • Sherrie, great that you are taking pictures. Take lots and keep them. Also you may want to put a tape measure down and get distances and other things. I have found this helps months later when something needs to be fixed or a problem addressed, or perhaps you are considering changes years later. The photos help you and anyone who may come in later. And since digital pictures don't have to be printed to store you can just keep them on a computer disk.
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Feb 13, 2012
    I am thrilled with my new waterfall. Opened up the whole yard. Oh, there are also lights in the waterfall.
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  • I scrolled up to compare the old view to the new one, what a difference! It looks great now, probably even better once summer comes along and all that brown disappears!
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Feb 13, 2012
    Thrilled you should be, Sherrie. The new waterfall looks great and I love how you can see more of your yard. And I see you've already moved some of your wonderful orchids into the trees after our two frigid nights.
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Feb 13, 2012
    Thank you Dan and Douglas. I staged a little bit with the only pretty plants I could move - orchids and a baby poinsettia which I will plant this year. I love the look from indoors, too.
  • The new waterfall looks great. Nice and inviting.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on May 27, 2012
    This is very nice Sherrie. I am thinking you really enjoy it.Can you see all the critters from there if you are very quiet?
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on May 27, 2012
    Bernice H, I love watching wildlife and provide water, shelter, birdfood and corn. Sometimes I get more than a bird but nature has a way of keeping things balanced so I just let nature handle controlling things. Most of the critters let us walk around and do not run away after they have been here a few times.
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on May 27, 2012
    Bernice H, yes the critters we enjoy we can see from the deck or from the inside patio. Most animals/birds let us walk around without them running away. Sometimes they have to visit a few times before deciding we will not bother them. You are correct, I love watching all of them.
  • Jo A Jo A on Jul 05, 2014
    Must have cost a fortune?
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Jul 06, 2014
    @Jo A Jo A this deck includes a Koi Pond at at the other end. The vendor was able to match the entire deck when they installed the new waterfall so the fortune was spent before this change. . I did this because the pondless waterfall was 2 1/2 feet deep and I was afraid someone or my two dogs could be injured jumping over it. Well worth every penny just for the safety and of course the new view.
  • Jo A Jo A on Oct 10, 2014
    Beautiful. Enjoy, I know you are. I have a small pond/waterfall which I can view from my patio and have enjoyed it. I do wish I could get it reworked but there is no one locally and I know it would be expensive to hire someone out of state.
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Oct 10, 2014
    @Jo A I do understand having something reworked but it takes not just a pond company but a true artist to do so. I am very lucky because I've changed major things over a 10 year period and it looks like one excellent designer created the whole thing.