How can I refurbish a white rock fireplace to update it?

by Debbie
It is about 7 feet wide by 6 feet tall with a suspended black tile hearth, which is a danger to children falling. The Rock is basically flat, varying from 2" pieces to 6" pieces. It has a wooden mantel which is very high up.
  6 answers
  • CK CK on Feb 11, 2016
    Photos would be very helpful so we HT readers can assist.
    • Debbie Debbie on Feb 11, 2016
      i have included two photos. As you can see this is a high traffic, high activity area. The stone goes below the hearth to the floor. We have put bumpers around the hearth to keep little ones from getting hurt.
      comment photo
      comment photo
  • Liliana Wells Liliana Wells on Feb 12, 2016
    Someone on another post suggested this company|ya...
  • CK CK on Feb 12, 2016
    Hmmmm....the fireplace rock looks quite "in style" right now. I might suggest you find a gray paint that matches most of the stone and paint out the 'grout lines' so they're a little less visible. But that's just a minor suggestion. Actually "as is" the fireplace looks OK. What style is the rest of your room? Do you want it to be a stand out feature or sorta blend into the background? Lots of other questions to ask before more advice ;-) You might try having a sort of 'box' constructed around the hearth so that it doesn't look like a suspended feature. You could have it made with doors that open to allow for storage of items. It and the mantel could be painted or stained the same color.
    • Debbie Debbie on Feb 13, 2016
      I like the idea of closing in the hearth! That would make a Hugh difference all by itself! Thanks!
  • LD LD on Feb 13, 2016
    The easiest and probably least expensive would be to plaster over the existing stone, which would give it a smooth finish. I would recommend you contact a stone mason and have them give you some suggestions how to give the stone face a safe and modern uplift. The most costly approach would be to remove the existing facade and create the look that you want. As far as the mantle goes, there are fire code requirements as to how far a mantel must be from the fire box, so check your local regulations.
  • Debbie Debbie on Feb 18, 2016
    I haven't actually done anything but I am certainly interested in some of the ideas!