Honey bee problems already

Jeff C
by Jeff C
Last year, I had to deal with yellow jackets. This year, it's honey bees. I've been wondering why so many were checking out my brick home and now I know why. I discovered at least 3 holes chewed through the mortar. I also discovered one main hole which was one of the holes inside of the brick near the basement window. I've used concrete caulk to fill in the holes with the bees inside of them and today, used pest block expanding foam for the brick. I'm trying to buy time as I called today to have the house sprayed for bees. I also found a hole they chewed in a 2x4 in my garage. Gods little creatures are really starting to piss me off.
Two chewed holes in brick mortar
Top brick above the basement window.
Brick hole filled with spray foam pest block
  5 answers
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on May 02, 2013
    This does not sound like honey bees to me but carpenter bees. Honey bees tend to take advantage of openings only...My dad was a bee keeper and I have never heard of them boring into concrete!?? OK, experts on bees, let us hear from you.
  • One photo appears to be a section above a window? The metal lentil is supposed to have holes in the cement to allow water to drip out from behind the brick. Bees are not drilling into your mortar. These holes must remain open. However if they are being used for an entrance for bees and bugs, a small cut off piece of clothesline rope can be pushed into the opening. It will act as a wick and allow the water that enters behind the brick a way for it to exit without allowing bugs in. What happens when you fill in the space between the brick and the metal lentil is over time the lentil will begin to rust. This will result in the rust causing the brick to raise up and crack on the corners. Remove the foam and any caulk that was placed in the space.
  • Jeff C Jeff C on May 03, 2013
    So after further inspection, I believe Jeanette was right on. I am dealing with Carpenter bees and not honey bees although I remember carpenter bees being much bigger than the ones I'm dealing with. However, I have now witnessed them chewing through my brick mortar as well as wood and although they are not the dime sized holes I'm accustom to seeing from Carpenter bees, the holes are big enough for them to fit through. A little too late here. I already applied the sprayfoam pest repellant and it's worked. They have not chewed there way out. However, after they spray the house down for bees and such, I will try to remove as much foam as possible. I only applied the foam to one hole, I'm not sure how I'll be able to remove it outside of using a drill with a large drill bit. While at first I literally saw and heard them chewing and entering holes in the brick mortar illustrated by the first photo after I applied cement caulking while they were in the holes, I happen to notice them later flying into the brick hole. I also found other bees chewing on the mortar that was just below another basement window.
  • Carpenter bees do not drill into cement. They only go into wood where they create galleries in which to lay their eggs. However they can be bumble bees. They are just a bit smaller then carpenter bees, but more aggressive. You can tell the difference as carpenter bees like most carpenters are bald on their head. Bumble bees have a fuzzy head. I have seen bumble bees quite often in foundation holes and beneath siding on many occasions.
  • Jeff C Jeff C on May 03, 2013
    This is the best picture I have of the bees I'm battling. I can say that the bees are not nearly as aggressive as yellow jackets. I've been filling up all the holes I find both in wood and mortar until they spray the house. The holes are about pencil eraser size. After looking on YouTube, I see there are mason bees but those are native to France.
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