how do you hang something heavy without wall studs?

Our curtains in our living room were apparently to heavy and feel.the problem is we can't screw the brackets into the studs or the curtains won't be centered. Any ideas on how to repair the now stripped holes and hang the curtain rod so it is stable?
  2 answers
  • There are a few things you can do. You can use toggle bolts. These wing shaped devices open up larger then the hole to provide the fastening your looking for. Another method is to purchase some flat corner trim blocks and fasten them to the areas where the mounting needs to be done. These can be glued and screwed into place offering you a wood surface in which to mount your rod holders to. The only issue would be that the rod will be out about a half inch from the wall. But you should be able to adjust the rod holders to make up for that.
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  • Marlene Haigh Marlene Haigh on Nov 16, 2015
    there are also new spiral shaped anchors that are easy to screw into a wall.
    • Glaynebaker Glaynebaker on Nov 16, 2015
      @Marlene Haigh Good idea, Marlene. I've used them myself. They are rated for various weights, so the poster ought to be able to find exactly what she needs.