Open for suggestions to repurpose metal planters

by Maria
Open for suggestions. I have this metal planter, actually I have two metal planters and I'm looking for ideas as to how I can re-purpose this planters. The last time I used him they contain silk flower arrangements for my son's wedding. I don't want to paint them as you can see they look beautiful as they are. Can anyone out there give me some ideas?
  15 answers
  • Maria Maria on Mar 14, 2016
    I forgot to mention the size of the metal planters. They each measure 12 inches tall by 13 inches across.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Mar 14, 2016
    As long as there is drainage holes make container plantings based on your season and light. If there are no holes put a container inside and than plant.
  • Sue Hill Sue Hill on Mar 14, 2016
    I would glue the 2 pieces together, bottom to bottom., making one-large piece. To use it as a planter, you may want to drill drainage holes. Insert a large plastic container, weighted with pebbles to plant in. (Again you my want to drill holes.) The pebbles will help with drainage and allow the roots to grow unobstructed. Remember if you put it outdoors it will get a patina. If you leave it inside with a live plant keep it on a tray, the water will leach the copper residue into your flooring. Plant cactus and succulents, or ornamental grass, or a very large corner arrangement of artificial flowers.
  • Maria Maria on Mar 14, 2016
    I was hoping I could use them for some other purpose other than as a planters. May be if I put a flat tray on top, the planter can serve as a stand for a low table. Thanks for the suggestions already given , still open for more suggestions.
    • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Mar 14, 2016
      @Maria Sorry but can't visualize that from the photo. Maybe they are bigger than they appear.
  • MN Mom MN Mom on Mar 14, 2016
    Maria these would make awesome side tables! Add round glass tops or mirrors and maybe something inside the planter for added interest. Round glass tops or mirrors can be cut to size or found at most bed and bath shops or home improvement stores.
    • Maria Maria on Mar 14, 2016
      Thanks for your great ideas. I just might do that! Keep those ideas coming.
  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Mar 15, 2016
    We have 2 metal planters that we've used as a feature by our front door. I bought two fake topiaries (I think that's what they're called) to put on top and we store all our hose attachments in the one and small gardening tools in the other
    comment photo
  • Bonnie Swartwood Bonnie Swartwood on Mar 15, 2016
    I was going to ask , are they sturdy enough to make a bench? Keep the seat removable and store garden hose and planting tools inside.
  • Rosalie Rosalie on Mar 15, 2016
    I would use them to store towels in a bathroom. You could roll the towels and place them upright in the planter.
  • Janet McIntosh Janet McIntosh on Mar 15, 2016
    I think they would look nice setting them together with a glass top and using it as a coffee table. or two side tables with round glass tops. How high are they?
  • Lenore Lenore on Mar 15, 2016
    I would put them either side of my front door and put pots of flowers in them. Change as the seasons change.
  • Trudy Trudy on Mar 15, 2016
    Turn them over and use as a stand to put pots of whatever on top.
  • Kathy Evans Langford Kathy Evans Langford on Mar 18, 2016
    If they're small enough, you could paint them to coordinate in with a room and use them as a trash basket; or larger ... use them to keep blanket throws.
  • Andrea Andrea on Mar 18, 2016
    how big are they? if big enough, great next to the fireplace for a fire worth of wood
  • Judy Capone Mantell Judy Capone Mantell on Mar 19, 2016
    Are they large enough for magazines, rolled up towels, ice buckets on the patio in summer? I agree they are pretty nice just as they are without painting. I agree with the idea of putting them by the door and changing out pots of flowers with each season. They could also become hanging planters by drilling some small holes and adding "S" hooks and chain or rope...or even macrame a holder for them. Great for fern in the bathroom if you have enough space. Have fun!
  • NoreenO NoreenO on Mar 19, 2016
    Fill them up mostly with large stone or bricks, add some landscaping fabric to prevent the next layer from falling through, add a layer of crushed stone on top( a color of your choosing) or colored glass pebbles. Then top with a thick piece of round glass to make side tables.
    • Maria Maria on Mar 20, 2016
      I like the idea of putting something interesting inside and then topping it with a glass cover to be used as a side table.