
Kay R
by Kay R
My dear sweet husband has asked me not to visit this site anymore. He has done so many projects that I have found on this site....An arbor and swing, a curved rock walkway, a fire pit and oh so many countless little projects.
Bless him, I just print out a picture and he gets to work. But alas, he's 72 and has asked me to give him a breather.
I think what I'm trying to say is that this is such a wonderful site with so many wonderful people and more ideas than I know what to do with. Thank you all so much.
(I have my eye on that clay pot figure but haven't told him yet)
  12 answers
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on Apr 04, 2012
    Kay, you have a way with words. Bless him and we'd love to see pictures!
  • Patty O Patty O on Apr 04, 2012
    He did a great job on this one! Love it!
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Apr 04, 2012
    Kay R, you are keeping your dear sweet husband healthy. And may I say happy, too?
  • Kay R Kay R on Apr 04, 2012
    I decided to give him a break. He has been so busy "working" for me lately he hasn't had much time to fish so I decided to give him a little time off to go fishing. He really is such a sweetie - probably the sweetest kindest man I have ever known. The walkway in front of the swing is still a work in progress - I'm not sure I'm even going to use these. And the fire pit is most definitely a work in progress. Since the yard slopes, we're going to put up a small retaining wall on the back side and go from there. But he can do all that after he goes fishing!
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  • Susan S Susan S on Apr 04, 2012
    Darlin, you know how to play your hubby just like a fiddle, well, let's make that a well-tuned Violin!! Clearly you've figured out the percentages of give 'n take and that makes you both VERY happy. Just hope he doesn't ask you to clean the fish!!! Great projects and a talented guy!!
  • Kay R Kay R on Apr 04, 2012
    HA!!!!! Busted!! And I don't clean fish. I don't eat them so that means I don't have to clean them. Right?
  • Susan S Susan S on Apr 04, 2012
    UH - right!! You don't like fish - you're not a vegan are you?? Does that mean your husband has to catch & release??
  • Kay R Kay R on Apr 04, 2012
    I just don't like the taste - yuck. He catches/cleans/cooks them and then I clean up the mess and what a mess it is.
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on Apr 05, 2012
    He did such a great job with the swing! I'm so impressed.
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Apr 05, 2012
    To give you the "man" perspective...He likes to do these projects for a handful of reasons. Projects and building stuff is fun in its own right so he is doing them with that in mind...but he is also doing these as projects of love for you...finally even the best of us deserve some down time. I'm looking forward to some time at our cabin next week.
  • Sharon A Sharon A on Apr 05, 2012
    LOL well at least you know he loves you, wants you happy, listens to what you say, ...and you always know where he is...lol...but have mercy on him and let him rest and enjoy abit before the next project....do you help him with the projects?