I am looking for a house plant that I call a running violet. Mine died I know there are different colors but don't know

Patricia B
by Patricia B
I am looking for a house plant that I call a running violet. Mine died I know there are different colors but don't know the real name of it, or where to find them.
  7 answers
  • 3po3 3po3 on Apr 13, 2012
    Is this something you have seen in a neighbor's home or somewhere you could take a picture to either post here or take to a local nursery?
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Apr 14, 2012
    I think we're going to need a photo, Patricia. That's not a name I'm familiar with.
  • Patricia B Patricia B on Apr 14, 2012
    Sorry no photos mine died and I havn't seen them in nurserys. I had one years ago that died of old age, about 10 yrs. Then got some cuttings and started another one but it didn't live long. They don't look like african violets. The first one I had my aunt gave it to me and she called it a running violet so I don't know what the real name is.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Apr 14, 2012
    What do they look like? How large is the flower? Is it more like a vine, is that why it is called running?
  • Patricia B Patricia B on Apr 14, 2012
    They have kinda oblong leaves with stripes on them and have like a tubler flower maybe an inch to an inch and a half and its not a vine but does have runners that you can break off and put in water to root.
  • Kate S Kate S on Apr 14, 2012
    I tried to google something like this without any luck. I have never heard of anything like this. Are the leaves fuzzy like African Violets? How about streptocarpus? These sound like the closest thing I can think of but I do not know if they put out runners or not. Google images of this plant and see if this is what you are talking about. Looks like there are a ton of varieties. I am sure you can buy them on line somewhere if this turns out to be what you are looking for.
  • Leslie Brown Acree Leslie Brown Acree on May 18, 2018

    Trailing African violet might be a better search.

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