My hostas lost their shade when a tree was cut down.

by Janet
I had a partial shady yard so my hostas were happy, Last fall, the city cut down the shade tree so my hostas will be in full sun. Is there a way to shade them or will they have to be moved?
  3 answers
  • Jayme Renee Jayme Renee on May 31, 2013
    I have my Hostas in full sun and they are doing just fine. Getting Huge actually. I have to split them this fall! :)
  • Patricia W Patricia W on Jun 01, 2013
    Most hostas die in the heat of the sun. Is there any way you can plant a shrub or shade them in any way until late fall? Then you can move them. If its not hot where you are, move them now.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Jun 01, 2013
    Some hostas take sun better than others. Generally speaking, hostas with green, chartreuse, or yellow leaves do better in sun than others. Also, smaller leaves are better for sun as their is less transpiration. Try interplanting taller perennials to provide some shade for your hostas.