What do you think of this $500.00 dining room? Is it traditional, contemporary, eclectic, etc.?

Brenda T
by Brenda T
Mostly furnished through thrift store finds. The only new thing purchased was table set at kmart for under 200.00. I try to buy things that are inexpensive but don't look it. So what do you think?
  15 answers
  • Susan S Susan S on May 03, 2012
    Brenda, I just spent 20 min. doing some "room analogy" for you - hit reply and it disappeared!!! GRRRR - technology. Here goes again. Your room is 100% ECLECTIC!! That very word implies a mixture of periods & styles combined together - selecting what seems best from various styles - per the dictionary!! LOL Your white cabinet has traditional lines but becomes more eclectic by being painted. The clock has definite antique qualities - also traditional. The table & chairs is more in the contemporary category with the straight lines and no decorative carving or adornment. The bookcase would also fall more into the contemporary style - no carving or embellishments. A couple of things you might want to consider if you want to change things up a bit. Try putting some of the ceramics from the bookcase up on the ledge - perhaps placing the Large blue & white one on its side but angled, Move the pictures to the bookcase where they can be seen & enjoyed but mix them with some smaller accessories. Maybe take a couple of the books and lay them down flat then sit a picture on the books. A little elevation here and there. Also, think about turning the table diagonally - one corner would be toward the white cabinet and one toward the window. Break up all the straight lines in the room., If your table is square, try turning the table cloth at an angle too so the points hang down from the four sides and not from the corners. The point is to create INTEREST in your room. People will want to stop and look around instead of just walking by!! Hope this answers your question.
  • Terri J Terri J on May 03, 2012
    Thats a great job for under $500.00. I would say it's eclectic with hints of tranditinal, but I am not a professional interior designer.
  • Brenda T Brenda T on May 03, 2012
    Thank you both. Susan: I've already made a few changes per your suggestions and even my husband noticed. He loves the table set on the diagonal, go figure. Thank you.
  • Susan S Susan S on May 03, 2012
    Awwww, thank YOU Brenda!! Soooo glad the hubby approved. Sometimes they're the hardest to win over. It was my pleasure - would love to see some new pics when you get done tweaking!!
  • Brenda T Brenda T on May 04, 2012
    will do Susan
  • Designs by BSB Designs by BSB on May 04, 2012
    Most part traditional - the greens/urns, white dresser, the blue dishes and the light fixture stand out the most to my eye. You may want to consider changing out the dishes and the pictures. If looks like the pictures are higher than they can be viewed/appreciated.
  • Brenda T Brenda T on May 05, 2012
    Love the feedback. I'm rearranging and will post follow up in next few days. I guess I'm a traditional girl. Ha. I never would have thought that in a million years.
  • Susan S Susan S on May 05, 2012
    Well I guess the next question is . . . . . what do YOU think traditional is???
  • Brenda T Brenda T on May 12, 2012
    I've taken many of the suggestions into consideration and made some adjustments. Thank you to all who offered their wonderful insight. You're awesome.
    comment photo
  • Susan S Susan S on May 14, 2012
    GREAT JOB BRENDA!!! I just now realized that your table wasn't a typical dining table height but is actually a "gathering table". I didn't pick up on that when you had the table cloth on. This style of table is actually a little more casual so I like just having placemats vs. full table cloth!! I notice you did rearrange the pictures & porcelain/ceramics (whichever they are lol) . The bookcase looks really good as does the ledge. Makes more sense now!!! OK, so you have now earned a GOLD STAR * - CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  • Melody Drinkwater Wagner Melody Drinkwater Wagner on Apr 24, 2014
    BEAUTIFUL! What is the piece to the right, the tall one? Does it have mirrors on it? Simply a wonderful piece.
  • Lori Lori on Dec 20, 2014
    So much better Brenda. Can you stand one more small suggestion? You have so much stuff in the bookcase that nothing really gets to "shine". It certainly looks better than before but if you don't need the books, if they are only for looks, maybe you could pack them away or move them around the house, that would free up so much space for your pretty vases and plates and statues. Just a thought. I remember hearing on a decorating show once, you don't have to put everything you own out at once, rotate things, give everything "it's limelight" and I never forgot that. That's it from me. :)
  • Good job! It is beautiful and classy
  • Kayo Frazier Kayo Frazier on Jan 07, 2015
    The only suggestion I have would be to change out the bookcase for a real wood one. I would add some ornate Baroque details in the corners maybe along the top, a middle shelf and along the bottom. Then I would paint it w/ Annie Sloan chalk paint in Greek Blue or Nantucket that way it pops, keep the back white & it will almost match the blue & white vases on the ledge. Then wax it to bring out the details. This is something that will take some time to find & create so there is no rush on it. Also, the blue might not match the rest of the house. Just something to think about.
    • Lisa House Lisa House on Apr 24, 2015
      I agree that something needs to be done to the bookcase so that it fits....as is it stands out and not in a good way. Maybe even move to a different spot in the room although I don't know where to put it. Is difficult to tell with only this view of the room. Otherwise the room is coming together wonderfully. I love the table! Maybe all the big furniture pieces need to be chalk painted and distressed....just thinking
  • Linda T Linda T on Jan 11, 2015
    Because of so many lovely things, I didn't even notice that the bookcase is too modern looking. I definitely wouldn't paint it though, simply get some kind of molding or brackets to decorate the front edges to 'antique' it a bit, and make sure the whole thing is the same colour as the pillars in front of the mirrors, to get a more consistent look. I like the new arrangements much more especially the blue and white on the top of the mirrors but just one thing (I am a Virgo-fuss-pot after all) Simply switch the clock and the vase, so the larger clock is next to the smaller brass plate and the smaller vase next to the larger plate. Otherwise, the whole arrangement (new) is very pleasing to the eye.