Ideas for making a craft room

Verlyn Bryant
by Verlyn Bryant
Hi I want to turn one of my extra bedrooms into a craft room. What are some good ideas or if anyone has any pictures please let me know....Thank in advance....
  7 answers
  • Kathy Ball Kathy Ball on May 31, 2016
    I did that recently. I started by painting the walls a bright color. And since I work with flowers, I made paper flowers to hang on the wall. I took the closet & turned it into storage using bins & baskets. Works great for me. Whatever you're going to be crafting in that room, theme it. Good luck & have fun with it! :)
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    • Verlyn Bryant Verlyn Bryant on Jun 01, 2016
      @Kathy Ball I worked in it a little today just need a lot of storage, my problem is I have a lot of stuff and when I don't see it I don't know I have it and I buy more, so really need to work on that too... but Thanks and Have a wonderful day as well....
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 31, 2016
    Heres a great visual I found for you from Pinterest.
  • MN Mom MN Mom on May 31, 2016
    Verlyn do you need to also use this as a guest room? If not, be sure to take advantage of any closet space you have for storing craft supplies. Get yourself a nice sturdy table ( one that folds down if you need to store it away between sessions) and be sure the height if it is right if you're a "standing crafter" like I am. Lots of good lighting and inspiration for creativity be that a poster, wall quote, photographs, computer etc. Just surround yourself with things you find handy and all your craft necessities. Maybe categorize your supplies according to craft (scrapbooks, patterns, paints and brushes, etc). Check out Hometalks posts by typing "craft room" in the search bar and borrow ideas from others who have designed their craft rooms. Have fun!
  • Jacky Jacky on May 31, 2016
    I love my cubicle shelving and table from Ikea. They have a setup where the tabletop attaches to the cubicles. You can customize to tabletop and legs of your choice. Very reasonable and easy to add more storage. I got the tabletop, legs, and 8 cube shelving for under $225. Good luck.
  • Goldrushgal Goldrushgal on Jun 01, 2016
    In our spare room I have a trundle bed I can pull out for guests and on the other side of the room I bought a wire shelving unit from Costco that I use to hold my craft supplies in boxes that are covered with wrapping paper and labeled. Beside the shelves I have a worktable. My computer is at the foot of the bed
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  • GAyle GAyle on Jun 01, 2016
    I also turned a spare bedroom into a craft room. We took the louvered closet doors down and out my sewing machine in there. My husband installed shelving above it for storage. He also installed more shelving on the opposite wall for all my craft supplies which I store in decorative boxes, baskets, and glass jars. I also bought a 36" wide kitchen cabinet for storing my scrapbook papers and some of my stamps. I'd include a picture of my desk area, but right now, it's a disaster. I also have a two drawer file cabinet for my card stock and a computer desk for my computer and printer. The only other thing I need is a small refrigerator. LOL
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  • Jayne Bailey-Jones Jayne Bailey-Jones on Jun 02, 2016
    IKEA have some shelves/bookcase thing that you can buy box cubes to store stuff and their table top , makes a good height to work at .