Summer floor covering

Pip Allon
by Pip Allon
In summer I roll up the carpet but the tiled (uneven) floor doesn't look great, I need a cheap 'n cheerful idea.
  6 answers
  • Cindi Cindi on Jun 09, 2016
    I don't understand, why would you roll up the carpet? Is it in a room, garage, patio? Personally, if it looks better with the carpet, I'd just leave the carpet. I have a patio (outdoor) rug, and the cement is uneven, so I'm going to paint it this summer, instead of the rug, to brighten it up too. I don't know if that's the same thing since you talk about tile. Anyway, sorry I can't be of more help.
  • Louise Adkins Louise Adkins on Jun 10, 2016
    I agree with Cindi. If you have a tiled floor that you are not happy with either repair it/replace it or leave the carpet. A colorful LARGE rug will disquise a multitude of issues but you already have carpet so why go to the expense of buying a rug? Good Luck.
  • Suzanne Lee Suzanne Lee on Jun 10, 2016
    What about using a floorcloth in the summer? If you can't afford one paint one yourself.
    • Pip Allon Pip Allon on Jun 10, 2016
      @Suzanne Lee What do you mean by a "floorcloth"? Here you wash the floor with it, a squarish, small piece of cloth.
  • CK CK on Jun 10, 2016
    So if I understand you correctly, you have carpeting over tile that doesn't does look too nice when exposed. Also, I'm thinking you're saying that your carpet isn't fastened down. It's more of a very large, nearly room sized rug. If that's the case.... Are you taking up the carpeting during summer for a more 'breezy, easy' look? If your budget allows, try to find a lighter weight rug with colors that remind you of summer, especially if you do change out other decor during summer. You can then coordinate the rug and other accessories. Suzanne Lee mentioned a floorcloth. What's she's talking about is a large lightweight piece of fabric (usually it is sort of 'sealed' to resist dirt). You may not have that sort of thing in Israel or you may call it by another name. Maybe you could find some large piece of fabric in your stores (or bazaar) that will cover most of the room's uneven places. To hold it in place try to position your furniture on it to weight it down. When it's time to clean, you can take up the fabric, shake it out, and then sweep the floor. I don't know if where you live is rural or urban. So maybe these ideas might not work for you. Do let us know more info and we might be able to assist with more appropriate ideas. Here's a link on how to make a floorcloth.... I haven't done this but essentially you're painting heavy canvas material. If you're artistic, you could have a very unique and beautiful rug for summer :-)
  • Suzanne Lee Suzanne Lee on Jun 10, 2016
    Floor cloth or floor canvas is a "rug" painted on heavy canvas, then sealed with several coats of sealer/finish. Any subject or colors to suit client. I paint a few a year for clients. They are great, versatile and very sturdy.
    • See 1 previous
    • Jennifer Thompson Jennifer Thompson on Jun 11, 2016
      You could see if they sell canvas tarps to lay on your floor or over furniture while painting -- they are in the paint aisle next to brushes and rollers in any store that sells house paint.
  • Julies1949 Julies1949 on Jun 11, 2016
    You could watch for a good sale on an outdoor rug or a sea grass carpet. It will give you the summer look without the warmth and coziness of a traditional carpet.
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