Does any one know what it is, it's on a Plumeria and I have Plumeria and something is eating the leaves like the tip of

Amanda B
by Amanda B
Does any one know what it is, it's on a Plumeria and I have Plumeria and something is eating the leaves like the tip of the one it's on!
  22 answers
  • Susan S Susan S on May 27, 2012
    Amanda - I'm sorry. The obvious is probably alluding me but I don't see what your talking about and don't think I exactly understand what you're trying to find out. Something is eating your plant??
  • Pam Pam on May 27, 2012
    Susan, if you look very closely to the left edge of the photo you can see the leaf has a half moon shape eaten away. The tip of the leaf is completely gone. I had to look for a while before I noticed it. I just can't anser Amanda's question as I had 3 plumeria plants that never survived but a few months. I think I overwatered them. But I had no insects feasting on them. This is better left for Douglas or someone who knows plumeria.
  • Susan S Susan S on May 27, 2012
    OHhhhhhhh - that!!! I saw it - the curved part of the leaf but I think part of her post got cut off. I don't have anything useful to help w/a solution. Sorry ; < (
  • Pam Pam on May 27, 2012
    I had to click on the photo to see it close-up before I saw it. Of course I have old eyes and half blind. LOL
  • Susan S Susan S on May 27, 2012
    Well dang, I saw the curve but it was so even I just thought that was the way the leaf was made. Clearly I don't know squat about this plant!!! LOL I have been known to get out my magnifying glass to look at some things on this website when I couldn't figure the details out. Whatever it takes, right?
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on May 28, 2012
    Is that something laying directly along the central vein of the leaf? If you have a Cooperative Extension office nearby, I would take the leaf there.
  • Eulalia Eulalia on May 28, 2012
    I see a large catterpillar with very hairy legs in the center of the leaf. But is it transparent? Or camouflaged really well! Have no clue what it could be, but that looks awsome!
  • Eulalia Eulalia on May 28, 2012
    Amanda B. it's Euthalia monina.
  • Eulalia Eulalia on May 28, 2012
    It will become the Green Baron Butterfly someday.
  • Msprissysmom Msprissysmom on May 28, 2012
    Cut worms are very bad this time of year. Bayer Advantage (blue bottle) works well, saved my plants eating my new vegetation. Natural way, sprinkle grits and at night take the flash light and picked them off. Down south ours are white. They turn into moths later then butterflies. You should have seen lots of butterflies in the yard recently.
    comment photo
  • Pam Pam on May 28, 2012
    It is transparent but it's like a ghost image. I finally see it. When you stare at the middle of the leaf, where the center vein is, you can see it but it really camouflages with the leaf. Have never seen a tansparent catapiller like that!
  • Susan S Susan S on May 28, 2012
    Alright, here I go again - gotta find the mganifying glass. I know it's 'round here somewhere! Looking . . . .looking . . . . OOOOO - MMMMMM - GGGGGG!! THAT'S some sort of catepiller??? That's gotta be the weirdest thing I've EVER seen!! And those other things that look sorta like fern leaves coming out from it's body is it's legs??? I had clicked on the pic to make it larger but just didn't know what I was looking for. An invisible bug - who knew!!! WOW!!!
  • Susan S Susan S on May 28, 2012
    @Janace M. - now that's a new one to me. Aren't moths & butterflies two different things??? Goes from a moth and turns into a butterfly - REALLY???
  • Eulalia Eulalia on May 28, 2012
    Actually I think Amanda must know what this is as she got the picture from google. This same picture was posted in 2010. It's Euthalia monina.
  • Susan S Susan S on May 28, 2012
    Hummmmm . . . . . .5th picture down! Now isn't that interesting??? Just sayin . . . . .
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 29, 2012
    About a month ago, something was eating the leaves at the trunk and they dropped like flies. Sprayed with insecticide and now all limbs intact and it is about 10 ft. tall. I am going to post a picture of this monster for Hometalk verification because I have only been told that this is what this tree is by the giver. But your leaves are a little different from mine.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on May 29, 2012
    Eulalia, you are a super sleuth! There may be a job for you with the FBI.
  • Eulalia Eulalia on May 31, 2012
    Lol, Douglas, my husband says NCIS! I love that show!
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on May 31, 2012
    Consider yourself nominated. I'm sure the show could use a forensic botanist.
  • Amanda B Amanda B on Aug 31, 2012
    Eulalia, actually I don't know what it is and I wish I would have seen the posting in 2010, then maybe I would not have it on my Plumeria and since I posted I have found another one. So any ways thank you for telling me what it is.
  • Amanda B Amanda B on Aug 31, 2012
    Just looked it up on google and we have found this type of moth in our yard this year. Never have seen it before. Nursery said may have come in on another plant from somewhere.