Old fireplace insert outside and rusting.

Nancy diane C
by Nancy diane C
that is what is sitting in the yard at our camper. we used to use it but not in years and I was looking at it the other day thinking it would be cool to maybe plant some plants of some sort inside and paint it and maybe place a vine on top to run down. does anyone have any ideas on something like this
  3 answers
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Jul 09, 2013
    A planter is one...or you could haul it off to be recycled.
  • Jaci Pozdzik Jaci Pozdzik on Jul 10, 2013
    I have been transforming this customers yard on a shoe string budget for the past few years. I am sorry have no pictures yet from this year. I took her fantastic feature of her old BBQ and have made it all about plants. I took the bbq out and made a bowl with coconut matting and chicken wire and plant annuals. I as well have many pots with annuals this year on the top. And as you can see in the second picture I have planted hostas and ferns it is a very shaded area in her yard.
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  • Nancy diane C Nancy diane C on Jul 10, 2013
    this is just an insert sitting out it has nothing around it there is sort of a sitting area there and they used to put fire in it but no one uses it anymore since we built the big deck. I will try to get pics when I go back up there and you all could probably give my many ideas then. thanks so much