I Think This is a Maple Tree....can Anyone Let Me Know for Sure?

Melissa Reyes
by Melissa Reyes
I am trying to find out for sure what this is so that I can better care for it.
  17 answers
  • Tabby Tabby on Jul 19, 2013
    Possibly sycamore (Plane tree)? It helps if we can see bark pictures and any seed or nut pictures. Also a general long distance 'shape of the tree' picture would help.
  • Melissa Reyes Melissa Reyes on Jul 20, 2013
    here are a couple more pics...it has never had nuts or anything on it. last year it was just a poor sad little stick so im very surprised to see all this greenery this year???
    comment photo
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  • Brendan Poynter Brendan Poynter on Jul 20, 2013
    Not sure, it could be a maple of sort, but it also looks a little like a sycamore tree. http://www.oplin.org/tree/fact%20pages/sycamore/sycamore.html
  • Melissa Reyes Melissa Reyes on Jul 20, 2013
    pretty positive its closer to a sycamore than a maple tree! my husband is so fired. thanks
  • Melissa Reyes Melissa Reyes on Jul 20, 2013
    according to that site it looks like it will get very very big some of the leaves are huge, very pretty
  • Marlene Johanson Marlene Johanson on Jul 20, 2013
    not a maple tree I'd go with sycamore.
  • Marilyn Highley Marilyn Highley on Jul 20, 2013
    Agree with the others who think sycamore. I hope it has plenty of room for a good time to come. :-)
  • Melissa Reyes Melissa Reyes on Jul 20, 2013
    thanks girls
  • Terri Johnson Terri Johnson on Jul 21, 2013
    Hi, no its not a maple tree.
  • Sherry S Sherry S on Jul 21, 2013
    not a maple. It looks like a sycamore. I have had 1 in a previous yard. I would get rid of it at once. They create terrible messes in your yard. Small twigs/ Limbs fall every time there is a storm, it has little seed balls that fall everywhere, and the leaves are fuzzy on the back. Caused sneezing fits every time you mow the yard. I will NEVER allow another one in my yard!
  • Tabby Tabby on Jul 21, 2013
    If it IS a Sycamore/Plane tree, we have them in our subdivision park because in the 1970's every park designer planted them back then. They are great for shade and climbing when grown, but Sherry is right, twigs, bark and seed balls cover our park grass after every little windstorm. And the seeds hurt to step on. Ours are now 45 years old and have a massive reach/ umbrella/ canopy, so you need a huge yard with no power lines or house-second-storys (stories?) to interfere with it. Dig it up and offer it to a friend with a pasture, they can protect it from chewing animals with a fence until it is big enough to just be a shade tree where it doesn't matter if it 'sheds'.
  • Glh Glh on Jul 22, 2013
    I agree with Sherry an Tabby, We have a HUGE Sycamore in our front yard. Yes, it's a big shady tree, good shape for climbing. YES I agree, it's messy!!! I hate those lousy balls that drop, there's even little tiny very hard balls which are different from the larger messy brown seed balls. It hurts like crazy if you step on them with bare feet, they also can throw you off balance if you happen to step on one when wearing shoes! The leaves hang on the tree longer other trees, so you end up with leaves constantly falling on the ground until Jan - Feb. Plus, the roots are lifting up our driveway! My husband won't part with it :(
  • Pat Powell Pat Powell on Jul 22, 2013
    Could this possibly be a Confederate Rose Bush. It looks like the leaves on my bush. I live in South Carolina but not sure where you are located.
  • P P on Jul 22, 2013
    Pretty sure it is a Sycamore
  • Melissa Reyes Melissa Reyes on Jul 23, 2013
    i hope it isnt that tuff to dig up...i guess i can try to move it out back near the fence line in the field. we will see how the transplanting goes, wish me well
  • Maria Welch Maria Welch on Sep 18, 2014
    Is Sycamore another name for sweet gum?
  • Drought Smart Plants Drought Smart Plants on Sep 18, 2014
    Sweet Gum is Liquidamber - I thought this too - if it changes to bright red and yellow, this could be it. In this case, it should be fine where it is. Nothing bad to say about it.