How does everyone feel about the grey trend?

by KrysFL
Don't get me wrong, I have seen some beautifully designed/painted rooms, some awesome DIY projects, etc. that have used this 'light' grey color.

While I liked it at first.. I was never committed. And now that its been around for awhile, Im beginning to really dislike it. I just feel its empty and cold to me.

Needless to say I miss seeing warm-tones and rooms designed with color. lol

How does everyone else feel?
Its decorated well but IMO lacks life. I cant see myself unwinding in this room. Its cold.
This room seems so warm. I could see myself relaxing here with a glass of wine. (and my inspiration photo for my family room)
  54 answers
  • Sia@South 47th Sia@South 47th on Jul 26, 2013
    @KrysFL I for one never liked it. I've had to use it on a few projects, because it's 'trendy' and I wanted to sell those pieces. However I don't care the the "Look" at all. I think it became trendy when the "French minimalist Chic" look went viral. Fleur's and grey everywhere. Yawn. But then, I'm an all white for this reno, only because I can spice it up with whatever trendy colours I like, without investing much. Which works for me, because I get bored easily and like change. Your "Inspiration Room" is lovely!!
    • Bev Bev on Sep 03, 2019

      Yes, I agree. Grey is depressing when it's over done.

  • Shari Shari on Jul 26, 2013
    Before this current popularity of gray, grays (and black) have been my go-to neutrals for many, many years. I do not like beiges and browns at all so my reaction to the brown room above is "ick." lol. With that being said, the gray room shown IS cold looking, even to me--a gray lover. (It is so devoid of color that it actually reminds me of a black and white photograph.) Gray does not have to look cold. I think it is far more appealing and inviting when mixed with some other colors. I would be willing to bet you would have a different opinion of this gray room if they had simply used a couple of brightly colored pillows on the chairs, a few colorful accessories on the coffee table and greenery--the room needs a plant or two to bring it to life. (Notice the "brown" room has lots of plants.)
  • Lgsmith Lgsmith on Jul 26, 2013
    Grays don't have to be cool with a blue cast. Grays now come in warmer colors. Check fabric stores and paint stores. Some grays have a warm green or yellow cast to them. I definitely do not like this gray color scheme or the all brown.
  • Patricia W Patricia W on Jul 26, 2013
    I think it will bId spice it up with bright colors and patterns. Too much grey is just drab.
  • DJ DJ on Jul 27, 2013
    the Grey needs accents such as Aquas,blues or Yellows in Pillows and Art for a modern style. Another route is a theme such as Farmhouse using gleaming white dishes and real greenery in the tin or Vintage Paris w wrought Iron. The room looks flat because there is nothing shiny or textural..its not just the flat is TOO much flat grey.
  • Lori J Lori J on Jul 27, 2013
    While I appreciate the sophistication of greys in decorating, it is just not my style.
  • Rana Saleh Rana Saleh on Jul 27, 2013
    I liked the second room more, as you said it is warm, relaxing besides being sofsticated. Go with your choice.
  • Cyndi Moore Tippett Cyndi Moore Tippett on Jul 27, 2013
    I like the grey BUT you have to treat it as a neutral and add some pops of color... If you love color like me, I would go for yellow with pops of orange; purple with yellow; several shades from light to dark grey would work and then add some yellow. Red, black and grey can be very pretty especially if you add a bold print. The brown pallet is probably safer and less trendy.
  • Sandy Bowlin Sandy Bowlin on Jul 27, 2013
    I've never cared about gray or blue for room colors unless they are mixed with very warm colors also. There are so many blue colors that greens go so well with them and a bit of yellow looks great too. The gray to me is blah, nothingness!
  • Patricia Green Patricia Green on Jul 28, 2013
    @green p I love blue greys and the green greys. I'm so tired of an all white room, I could scream! That's all you see is shades of white. How can you hate greys and love whites??!! There are just too many beautiful colors in the world to choose from!!!
  • Gloria Cassavetes Gloria Cassavetes on Jul 28, 2013
    Just saw this grey theme on TV show called BeingHuman. In a scene with her decor and walls all having the grey in them . She was dressed in fusha and it looked great on screen but I don't now if I would do that. Ahh bit dull for me
  • Darlene Darlene on Jul 28, 2013
    I love gray...but NOT that gray room! It is not the gray that is cold and flat in that first picture, it is the fact that the room totally lacks any real decor. Look at all the plants and lamps in the second room. Where are they in the gray room? And look at the difference in the lighting in the staged rooms. Room decor is so much more than wall color.
  • Colleen S Colleen S on Jul 28, 2013
    Personally, I do not like gray at all -- reminds me of the first casket I ever saw when I was 5 years old -- I guess that's when I took a disliking to it and haven't liked it since.
  • Shamrock Hill Designs Shamrock Hill Designs on Jul 28, 2013
    I understand what people mean when they speak of the "cold, stark" feeling of gray. However, when done properly, it can have a very calming, serene effect. It all depends on the tone of the gray used, and the accessories that accompany the shade. Also, where will gray be used? In wall color, textiles, or accents? What will the companion colors be in the room? I, personally, have always loved taupes because they blend the cool sophistication of gray, with some added warmth of beige. I don't tend to love beige as a standalone color because it casts too much yellow which can look too brassy for my taste. Taupe can be paired with browns, blacks, grays, creams or whites, plus an abundance of bright or muted colors depending upon your color preferences. A newer "gray" family are the "greiges" (a hybrid of gray and beige) - these seem to be the answer to the too-cold and too-stark grays as well.
  • Karen Karen on Jul 28, 2013
    To me, grey is cold and drab. However, grey with a hint of blue or purple is something I have seen recently in decorating and think it is lovely, just not for my home.
  • Ann Ann on Jul 28, 2013
    Haven't been crazy about the gray either. BUT, my daughter is. She did her baby nursery in gray with accents of yellow and red. The curtains are gray, walls are greenish yellow and there is a gray chevron stripe throughout and then a very colorful alphabet rug and more accents of yellow and red. When she told me I thought yuck especially the gray curtains. But it is absolutely darling. She is an artist, tho, and has painted different elephant poses on the walls. It is very happy and calming.
  • Lorah Marquardt Lorah Marquardt on Jul 28, 2013
    I used a gray with green undertones on my three season porch. I hadn't planned it but the color blended nicely with the aluminum frames of the windows. You don't even notice the frames anymore. I went with a green accent wall to liven it up a bit more, and I couldn't be more pleased.
  • Joanna Kucharska Joanna Kucharska on Jul 28, 2013
    I think gray may look 'warm and soft' if you use some natural wood in warm colours in the same room. If we do not want to exagerate with gray good idea is to use decorations made of stone in gray colours. Than we have wood and stone- all coming form nature making the room more natural place for us to relax.
  • Jan Scott Jan Scott on Jul 28, 2013
    If it is mixed with bold jewel tones I like it, but mixed with other shades of grey and white etc, it's just cold. I miss the warm Earth Tones and Jewel tones. Those are the colors that make a room cozy and warm to me.
  • I love a warm grey--more of a taupe. Pair it with oranges and greens, sea blues--really anything, it is a fabulous neutral!
  • Shari Shari on Jul 28, 2013
    Rooms done in all gray often do come off looking stark and cold but when mixed with other colors, gray can be gorgeous...and quite sophisticated. It's a great neutral because it looks good with just about any color.
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  • Linda B Linda B on Jul 28, 2013
    Gray has been mt go-to color for 20 years. I hate it when something I love becomes popular.
  • Gloria Gloria on Jul 28, 2013
    I agree with Shari just above comment with pictures. The picture shown above is a very poor picture to use as an example. Whereas the pictures shown in Shari's example are so awesome and I would choose any of them to showcase one of my rooms. I agree with the earth tone photo that it is warm and inviting. It just shows how accessories can make or break an interior design.
  • I love gray and was wanting to paint my living/dining areas gray with pops of yellow and white trim. I love the rooms that Shari posted but the original one is very boring and cold.
  • Tegma Tegma on Jul 28, 2013
    Gray is definitely very trendy, but a lot has to do with the lighting in the room. If it isn't a sunny room, it's definitely going to be drab! You will need to brighten it up with lots of color in your accessories.... pillows, pictures, lampshades, vases etc. Another idea is that you could make one wall a focal point and do a different color on that wall, or maybe add wood, stone or something to that wall, even a huge picture would work. It could be made from fabric over board if it's out of your budget. Have you already done the room? If not, forget it.... your vibes are telling you something. I don't go with trendy, myself, as that usually outdates more quickly. Choose what is you! You'll be much happier!
  • I actually really like grey, I find it very calming. My problem is that I already did that about 25 years ago when we re-did an old fixer upper. Can't quite get into it the second time round, guess I'm showing my age here:)
  • Karen Karen on Jul 29, 2013
    Shari , I think your photo examples fully explain why I don' t like grey. For me, those rooms are not cosy, comfortable, warm ,inviting. But then, I guess that is why there are so many many many color and tone choices for all of us.
  • Cathy Kurpil Cathy Kurpil on Jul 29, 2013
    What I refer to as an institution color :)
  • Polly Zieper Polly Zieper on Jul 29, 2013
    What timing!My son just chose gray bedding and curtains for his first dorm room. I have to add some color!I think an entirely gray room would be depressing I'm adding some navy, with a trash can, bins and baskets for his closet(It doesnt have a door, and his desktop organizers. and will now consider turqoise- great ideas, everyone!I think I might sew or gluea vavy or turquoise band along the top and/or bottom of the curtains, I'm covering a bulletin board and looking for a clock.
    • Vicki K Vicki K on Mar 25, 2014
      @Polly Zieper Please don't use navy, it's just another depressing color! Bright turquoise blue, yellow, orange, red (in moderation), what's the school colors? Use those instead.
  • Polly Zieper Polly Zieper on Jul 29, 2013
    I'll post pictures when we move him in, in mid-aug. I love this site!!!!
  • KrysFL KrysFL on Jul 30, 2013
    I see what you mean @Shari but honestly, those rooms just aren't warm and it doesn't appeal to my senses.. I think doctor's office when I look at those pics. I appreciate everyone's opinions. I was looking at other grey rooms and the only thing I think it looks good with is really bright, bold colors - and you can really only get buy with that if you do the ultra-modern or retro look (which aren't my style). I do like some greiges (which to me is a new term for taupe) so not really talking about those here. We just helped my friend paint her new house this weekend and guess what color she picked? GREY! LOL At least it was a darker shade..
  • Lois Lois on Jul 31, 2013
    I am done with the grays I used to really like them but now it seems too antiseptic. boost with color however if u really like the grays bump them up with red accents
  • Vicki K Vicki K on Mar 25, 2014
    I think the pink room is great and the coral one is fantastic. I could live with the yellow one. The grays are soft warm dove grays and not used too much, the walls of the pink room and coral room are white, gray is used very sparingly. I like it, but it is a fad, just like chocolate and blue were. Wonder what's coming down the pike??!! HA.
  • Vicki K Vicki K on Mar 25, 2014
    Does anybody like the Pantone Color of the Year for 2014, that red-purple-pink color? Talk about icko! I don't know of anyone that likes IT.
  • Linda K Linda K on Mar 26, 2014
    I really don't like all that gray. It looks industrial, sterile, old, Government office! As a little bit like the shell of a dresser with wood drawers, or something like that, maybe, but I'm a person of colors. I like to paint my rooms in a happy neutral, like a pale yellowish and then use accent colors all around. Then if I get tired of the accessories or colors, I'm free to redo to something else.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Mar 26, 2014
    I love to look at the photos of all the white stuff but don't want it around me. I love bright, rich colors, softly stuffed furniture, floral sofas and rugs, not country but old world! I can't live without color.
  • KathrynElizabeth Etier KathrynElizabeth Etier on Mar 26, 2014
    When the trend started to catch on, I didn't care for it, it seemed cold and prison-like. I've seen rooms that were beautifully done in gray, but I wouldn't want to live in one. My husband has a gray bathroom which we liven up with bright shower curtains and linens. I might go for a piece or two of gray furniture, if it was a very dark gray, but otherwise I'm not interested.
  • Sally holway Sally holway on Mar 29, 2014
    I love the warmth and comfortable look of floral chintzes, antiques, great old gold leaf mirrors and loads of color. In my opinion, the "Gray Movement" just doesn't cut it.
  • We just re-did our home office and could not agree on a color scheme until we found a fabric with lots of grays, black and a soft buttery yellow. Our plan was to paint a yellow accent wall to warm up all of the gray, but we ended up liking the gray so much we kept going and painted the entire room. The room is still a work-in-progress, but my husband and I both like it so far--and we hardly ever agree on anything! :)
  • Debbie Chapman Debbie Chapman on Mar 29, 2014
    While I have been in a home where gray is used very effectively, for my home I really do prefer warmer, cozy tones. I really think it would feel depressing to have a gray painted room, like a gloomy day. The home I liked the gray in had LOTS of natural light to warm those gray rooms up! Mine does not, so I warm the rooms with color and texture.
  • Jill Birt Jill Birt on Mar 30, 2014
    I just moved from an apt. that was two tones of gray in the kitchen and bath . It felt gloomy and very industrial. I made up my mind that when I was able to move I would NOT use gray in any way shape or form! I held true to my word!
  • Jeanee Rockweiler Jeanee Rockweiler on Mar 30, 2014
    gray is too formal and cold for my taste...........
  • Jossi Jossi on Mar 31, 2014
    Well I LOVE the gray...especially mixed with some warm (NOT dark) wood and some warm accent pieces ! I also love Pantones new color...sort of a violet.
  • Roxanne Hose Roxanne Hose on Mar 31, 2014
    I was used to beiges, but decided to go with a Benjamin Moore grey, and yellow. I accent with bronze and dark wood....still in progress
    • Jossi Jossi on Apr 04, 2014
      @Roxanne Hose that sounds great ! Please show us when you're done !
  • Jacie1948 Jacie1948 on Apr 01, 2014
    just because grey is a trend does not mean one has to follow suit. Be a leader, be yourself and what you like. as you said 'IT IS A TREND.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Apr 02, 2014
    You mean the "griege" trend? LOL There are some "warm" greys. For walls, OK for a neutral backdrop. Don't like monochromatic schemes. At least it's better than the trend to white everything - even in bedrooms. How relaxing is that! Sterile, cold. Makes me think of a surgery. Or that there are thought police who have the room wired to check for any thoughts, interactions, or any signs of life!
  • Christie Burgess Christie Burgess on Apr 02, 2014
    I love grey! The beige's always seemed dingy to me while grey looks clean. The grey on my walls change color in different light. Sometimes blue, sometimes lavender. I wasn't aware, however, it was a trend. I just like the color.
    • Jossi Jossi on Apr 04, 2014
      @Christie Burgess , I TOTALLY agree with you. Beige does look dirty after awhile, and greys stay...grey ! I've used grey as my :neutral" for several years, and I love it !
  • Brenda Brenda on Apr 24, 2014
    I absolutely love grey and am in the process of having a grey floor installed. I'm not sure about my wall color though. Any suggestions? My kitchen and living room are one large open area with double windows. Should I do different color walls are one color for both?
  • Sherrie Sherrie on Dec 27, 2014
    There are different colors of gray and I love it. It looks clean and neat and everything that goes against the wall pops it. But I have medium size house. On my medium size house it looks prefect.
  • L L on Dec 27, 2014
    Being married to a new construction painter, I am seeing so much in grey tones going into new built homes. But, when I have gone into a few of them while being done, I have seen the greys with the dark stain woodwork. Surprised at just how nice it actually looks. So, now my foyer is painted a balanced beige, which is actually common to use as a gray accent in many homes. Took me a while to get used to it, as I do not have that color in my home otherwise. And now everything seems to be enameled cabinets, trim, in white. Hard to keep up with trends. I still recall having an ugly red countertop in an 1980's home. And look at what color is bouncing back once again?
  • Linda Raymond Linda Raymond on Dec 27, 2014
    I love grey as a neutral, you can warm it with many bright accent colors.
  • Kayo Frazier Kayo Frazier on Jan 06, 2015
    I actually like the grey tones. I've seen too many stark white walls & more cream/tan/beige walls than I ever wanted to. The first picture only had black, grey, silver & white...There wasn't any color anywhere, so yeah after 3 months anyone would want to change it. What I have noticed w/ the grey tones is that brightly painted (think red) furniture pieces will pop against the grey. If you have a dark cherry mahogany furniture pieces against a very light grey it will pop & the gray will enhance the wood tones. Grey works w/ many different styles of dƩcor, & furnishings.
  • Chris Chris on May 17, 2016
    I have had a gray living room and dining room since the 80's and still love it. I do need to replace the chrome dining room chandelier, to update the look. I have bright red flower on the dining room table, in a vintage glass epergne. The pillows on the sofa are a black design on one side and a red design on the other. We don't need to paint and change everything every few years if we still like it.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on May 18, 2016
    The room you posted as "cold" I agree. This is the kind of room I like when I see it, but I don't want to have in m home. I love overstuffed and color! But that's just me! LOL!