Earring storage ideas

Hi All :) Does anyone have any ideas for storing a large selection of earrings?
  8 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Aug 22, 2016
    I would get some inexpensive chaining and hand them off of that.
  • Judy Ackerman Judy Ackerman on Aug 23, 2016
    Here is the one my boyfriend made for me. It is made out of scraps of wood and I can hang probably a hundred pair on it, plus I have pegs for bracelets and necklaces if I chose. It fits neatly behind the bedroom door and out of sight. I make my own jewelry so I have a ton of earrings.
    comment photo
  • Jennie Lee Jennie Lee on Aug 23, 2016
    Get a sheet of clear Plexiglas big enough to lay your earrings all over it, in rows. Drill a hole about 1/4" across in the center near the top so it can be hung on a small nail.Then lay all your earrings on it in rows to determine how much space they need. Then drill smaller holes in pairs, and in rows. That's it! The entire thing can be lifted off the nail to allow you to easily select yhe earrings you want, then hung back up. The clear Plexiglas allows you to easily add and remove earrings. I keep mine in order by color; you know, ROYGBIV!
  • Barbara Barbara on Aug 23, 2016
    An old screen works perfect for you French hooks!! I love mine!!
  • Ann Greenlee Ann Greenlee on Aug 23, 2016
    I took a large old picture frame and stapled window screen in it and hung it on the wall. It holds hundreds of pairs of earrings.
  • Carolyn Ball-Hanson Carolyn Ball-Hanson on Aug 24, 2016
    I find that plastic ice cube trays work well for storage when slipped in a draw.
  • Wbm9686976 Wbm9686976 on Aug 25, 2016
    If time and finances do not allow for some of the aforementioned great ideas, as a last resort, use egg cartons. Spray paint them for fun!