Asked on Nov 27, 2016

Need some help fixing up my hollow doors!

by Valerie
I would like to paint and add trim to my hollow oak builder grade doors. Will some sort of glue work (liquid nails) or do I need to use trim nails. Just wondering since the doors are hallow if the trim nails would do any good, or if the glue would be strong enough. Thank you!!
  15 answers
  • Donpaulin Donpaulin on Nov 27, 2016

    There are many adhesives that will hold w/o clamping or nailing. I like Elmer' Pro-Bond, available at home centers or hardware stores.. I would lay the door flat, place the mouldings on the door and pencil mark slightly INSIDE. Sand, or liquid sand, to remove gloss. Apply the mouldings with masking tape for a "dry run." Follow the adhesive instructions and tape down for real. If you have ready access to a brad gun, tack the moulding but not absolutely necessary. You are right, nailing alone will not hold in the 1/8" veneer, but a few nails will somewhat increase the holding power.

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    • Donpaulin Donpaulin on Dec 01, 2016

      NO - When drying, Gorilla expands too much and will bubble out under small mouldings.

  • Mary Insana Mary Insana on Nov 28, 2016

    I would take the doors off their hinges and lay flat. Have all your trim pieces cut and ready. You can use liquid nails to attach to the door. I would tape them in place with painters tape just to make sure they stay in place while they dry.

  • David David on Nov 29, 2016

    As a retired carpenter, I have fitted trim to doors many times, it is quick, clean and the best method, all you have to do is apply double sided tape to the trim, position it on the door and press down, no wet glue or waiting to set, it is instant just practice on a bit of scrap, when you put the tape on the trim, peel the first few inches off and fold over at a angle so that when you put it to the door you can pull the backing off and push the trim in position. Hope this helps


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    • David David on May 23, 2017

      Yes it can, the tape is not much thicker than Selotape, so you will not see it when the trim is on the door and you can paint or stain it as you please.

  • Shawna Bailey Shawna Bailey on Nov 29, 2016

    I have glued trim on doors before. but after reading david's comment I'm wondering if I should have been using double sided tape.

  • Teresa Teresa on Nov 29, 2016

    I use this product and it works well and fast too. It's by Liquid nails and its called POWERGRAB It worked so well my husband though I got into his tools and nailed it up. I put trim around my closet on a textured wall and its been up for a year no problems so far. Good luck Teresa

  • Mary Coakley Mary Coakley on Nov 30, 2016

    I would use a fairly strong glue,trims are usually very light weight so should adhere to your door.

  • Wagoner Wagoner on Nov 30, 2016

    I set up my router and made random grooves, added recycled fence boards along the top and bottom, then painted everything to look like barn wood. Finished with black oak-tag to resemble hinges, black tacks to attach, then added some old knobs. The doors hide the washer and dryer.

    comment photo
    • See 4 previous
    • Frances Frances on Dec 02, 2016

      Doors look great. Reallygood job.

  • Lil_proc888 Lil_proc888 on Dec 01, 2016

    U can use liquid nails on it

    • Wagoner Wagoner on Dec 01, 2016

      I did use liquid nails, but anchored both sides with short brads.

  • Goldrushgal Goldrushgal on Dec 02, 2016

    I have also seen picture frames used on doors. Find 4 to 6 flat frames, depending on the look you are going for. No sawing or fitting trim, just measure and glue, then paint.

  • Mel Oliver Mel Oliver on Dec 02, 2016

    You only need to use a decent white wood glue. Try using a coloured stain instead of paint so that you see the grain coming through. Have fun!

  • Rod Rod on Dec 02, 2016

    If it was me, I would use glue and a brad nailer. But i've got a brad nailer... It sure would be faster...

  • Sophia,M.,McConnery Sophia,M.,McConnery on Dec 05, 2016

    Weldbond wood glue,trim straps,and finishing nails!

  • Janice Janice on Sep 07, 2023

    Self-adhesive trim molding is now available to purchase on line (Amazon) in various widths and lengths. You might check out the varieties tomake your job really easy, especially if you plan to paint the entire door after you add the molding.