Can you give me color advice for a relaxing room?

by Jam19947556
Hey, I'm Jam Renier Arellano and I want to make my friend's room a nice, calm and relaxing room for him. I don't know how to start with but I want to build in his room by using a pallet. but the color of the room, I don't know how it works. I'm not good in matching colors.
the picture of the room will be provided if I go to my friend haha. I'm on the OJT right now so I can't go there at this time. Help me with colors and pallet. I'm good in decorating its just the coloring is not my expertise.

I hope you can help me on my 1st project. hehe
  16 answers
  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Feb 14, 2017

    I love a mint green- I painted my bedroom this color too

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  • Joan Joan on Feb 15, 2017

    I just did my bedroom in a soft taupe with white trim and used those colors because I wanted a soft, relaxing mood in the room and it worked out perfectly. I have white bedding, mixed browns carpeting, taupe and white drapes, and cherry furniture, which I eventually plan to paint in a matted black hopefully soon. It's absolutely lovely and I got plenty of compliments on the color scheme. And I sleep like a baby in there :)

  • Jam19947556 Jam19947556 on Feb 15, 2017

    hahaha, may I see the picture of your room miss? I haven't seen it yet but I think its coooooooool! literally cold. hahaha

  • Sharon Sharon on Feb 18, 2017

    Pale blue is a calming color. And almost anything goes with it. I would stay away from any shade of red and purple.

  • TrishR TrishR on Feb 19, 2017

    A warm gray would work with the pallet. Just make sure that the gray has a brown tint in it, so it's warm and not cold. That way it's Neutral and you can decorate the room with any other color your heart desires! Well I'd probably stay away from Hot Pink though lol.

  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Feb 19, 2017

    Think warm...for example Behr's "Baked Scone" has an undertone of warmth. I have it throughout my house because it can accommodate every color. If they want to accent with green, blue, red, amber or maroon, it will go with this color. And it looks great with white trim!

    It can fit with feminine or masculine!

  • Bernice H Bernice H on Feb 20, 2017

    i think ocean colors are very calming . pale Aqua , pale sea green,we have light baby blue in our room and it feels cold, it will be going soon. ask him what he likes,show him a picture ,a painting,and where does he go color wise? Or pictures from magazines. Paint chips ....that's a little too chancy.

  • Jam19947556 Jam19947556 on Feb 20, 2017

    alright ma'am! :) thanks to your wonderful advice, I will ask him.

    • Bernice H Bernice H on Feb 20, 2017

      Be sure to let us know what he likes! So very nice of you to do this for him. ❤️

  • Jam19947556 Jam19947556 on Feb 21, 2017

    yes ma'am, I will assure you'll know about his room. Its a give and take, he wanted to renovate his room and I want to be a design decorator also my 1st project. So we both are happy, haha. thank you again ma'am :)

  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Feb 21, 2017

    He's your friend right, what color does he wear often, or how does he seem to change his demeanor in a certain color when he seems most relaxed? People tend to buy a lot of the same color that they love and that makes them feel confident because they know that they look good! So with that in mind, and only you know him not us, start there. You might want to go lighter or darker depending on the color not the exact color he wears but a different hue. Then add to it with your skills. I'm sure you're great at this but because he is your friend you don't want to let him down, I doubt you will, you my friend need to have more confidence in yourself. I know what I like and would rather have one chair in the LR then what we purchased because my husband liked it and I figured oh well that's fine, but I don't like it as much as he I hate recliners even when part of sofa. I keep telling him to put in family room because I don't use it and we need a new one and I'll just wait. It's not that it doesn't look good in room it's just that I don't like it,period. So if you can decorate which to me seems so much harder, why is color such an obstacle for you. If you want to make this a career then you would interview the clients, see rest of house and see what they love plus you would ask them what is totally not ok with them to use. Also what does this room offer a great view, a terrible one that you have to cover it up with curtains, does he sleep in here, does he have to do work in here or is this the main living space? How much natural light does he get in that room , how much over head light, what has to stay and what must go according to him? What's the main focal point now, does he love it or hate it but he would rather have a new focal point is this his home or a rental how much can you do other than paint and add decorative items? He is your first client,just happens that he is your friend. Think of him as a client. It would really boost your confidence if you forgot he was your friend and just asked the same things you would ask a client. I'm sure you will do a beautiful and loved room for your first client.

  • Jam19947556 Jam19947556 on Feb 21, 2017

    I don't know what to say, but I will take your advice. Thank you my friend.

  • Diana Deiley Diana Deiley on Feb 21, 2017

    Here's a calming neutral shade: Oyster Pearl. (It's NOT shiny, that's just the name. ) It's a soft neutral color that will go with anything else in the room. I just painted the master bathroom in that color and I love it. I have it with wood wainscoting and it looks terrific.

  • Shaley Shaley on Mar 13, 2017

    First if it is for a bedroom, NEVER put bright or light colored sheets on the bed, it affects the light your body sees and feels, the melatonin. here are some good colors for rest, and relaxing.

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  • Shaley Shaley on Mar 13, 2017

    and one more

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