What is your favorite new material you recently discovered?

Include a photo of a project you have done or plan on doing using your favorite material :)
  2 answers
  • Shanghiflower Shanghiflower on Feb 18, 2017

    Recently discovered or should say heard about Unicorn Spit Stain Gels. My first time using the product I did a Lazy Suzanne. My second project which I just finished and hung yesterday was an old wall fountain piece that no longer worked and I had been spray painting for the last 15 yrs. In my photo you will see in the bottom corner, the piece after I had sanded off most of the chipping, flaking paint but before I applied the Unicorn Spit Stain Gel. Even used the gel on the little pots. It is all finished off with Helmsmen Marine varnish to handle the sun, monsoon rain and heat we get here in Phoenix AZ.

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    • See 3 previous
    • Nicolette Spargo Nicolette Spargo on Mar 01, 2017

      Love it!!! Amazing job :)

  • Charlee Hunter Charlee Hunter on Mar 17, 2017

    Definitely Wood Icing!! I tried to get it months ago when I first heard of it, but it was sold out! I finally got it about a month ago, and used it right away on the side of a table I was doing at the time. Love this stuff and it's so easy to work with!

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