I need skirting ideas

by Zvh22245539
I am converting a portable metal classroom into a 1 bedroom house and need ideas for skirting that would bot make it look like it was a portable unit. The front of the building will be French doors in the middle and single door on each side. I also need color and siding ideas (contemporary, midcentury modern).
Front of portable classroom, but the awning will be removed
Portable side view
Doors that will be in front and single doors are the same design
  13 answers
  • 1240839 1240839 on Apr 24, 2017

    Budget? More windows?

    Bottom could be faux stone, metal siding from top of skirt to the roof, so it's a clean line.

    or, just paint.

  • Sharon Sharon on Apr 24, 2017

    I would leave the skirting alone ... looks in good shape. And I would leave the awning too, as it's the mid-century look. I would remove the funky steps and railings and add a deck under awning. You could make it a split level deck to make it higher by the door so you just walk out, and put wide steps out by walk

    Then get a flashy mid-century modern 2 or 3-tone paint job. Here's some inspiration..... https://www.google.com/search?q=mid-century+modern+house+3-band+exterior+paint+job&client=opera&hs=TYk&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwie1pyp0r3TAhVB8mMKHSFkD7MQ7AkIMg&biw=1366&bih=660

    I like the darker grey ones myself with the bright door.

  • Darla Darla on Apr 24, 2017

    If you build a nice deck instead of the porch, and plant some flowers in an attractive edged bed around the house, it will look good. You can get stone-look panels, but they still scream "mobile home".

  • Milly King Milly King on Apr 25, 2017

    Mobile home skirting comes I a lot of different styles and colors. They have stone and brick, the stone would look great.

  • Rka12967150 Rka12967150 on Apr 25, 2017


  • Leisa Yeager Leisa Yeager on Apr 25, 2017

    I would paint the entire building one color, make it cohesive...then you can add accents to highlight Windows canopy etc..

  • Betina Stratford Betina Stratford on Apr 25, 2017

    It looks odd having the panels go opposing ways. I would repanel in horizontal or vertical siding from ground to roof all going the same direction. Definitely need a lot more windows and I would also leave the awning. It has an industrial look that is quite popular and would likely save you a bundle to not have to replace it. I like the idea of a wide multi-level deck, rather than stairs, and if you do some nice gardens around the perimeter, it would look like a standard small home. Love that you're recycling a school portable, by the way. Brilliant idea!

    • See 1 previous
    • Stanley Johnston Stanley Johnston on Apr 25, 2017

      That's the best idea so far. I would use James HardiPlank 4x8 sheets of cement siding. It can be purchased at any Lowes store and comes with the grooves like on the building. Can be painted to any color you want. It will also help with cost of insurance as it has a brick rating.

  • Barbara Lynn Vaughan Barbara Lynn Vaughan on Apr 25, 2017

    Change the orientation of the skirting to vertical to match the siding. Or get some faux stone skirting to make it look grounded and solid. I would make it look more cottage like than mid century. Nice deck, hanging baskets of flowers, pretty outdoor seating.

  • Dottie' Dottie' on Apr 25, 2017

    Call me old fashioned, but, I would plant bushes like compact hollies ( no stickers or pointy leaves) around the sides & back. They will grow up in just a few short years & you can maintain them with no problem. The front I would at least double the width & triple the length of the porch. I would put up single spaced lattice wood around the porch with a small gate. That would give you a nice size storage too. Then I would place landscaping timbers around the porch & across the front to make some flower beds. Add a couple of slow growing shrubs and some plants that come up every year that have color through out the spring to fall. This makes it cheep, pretty & easy to get to the trailer if repairs are ever needed.

  • Zvh22245539 Zvh22245539 on Apr 25, 2017

    Thank you...great ideas

  • C.B. C.B. on Apr 26, 2017

    Nice building! My suggestion is to put a multi-tiered deck [eliminates steps] in the front & work it around to the back [around the corner]. Then I'd create beds for EVERGREEN shrubs [like rhodys & such] that are easily pruned [to keep them in check] & fill around them with round rock bordered with wood edging & place in an occasional large rock or cluster of rocks as accents. Adding windows is a good idea...& you could even add a wood trim board around where the 2 seams come together on the panels [which I WOULD NOT change...why mess with them when they are serving their purpose?]. Leave the awning where it is.

    • Zvh22245539 Zvh22245539 on Apr 26, 2017

      Thank you. The consensus seems to be the mult-tiered deck....so deck it is! I am adding windows to the bedroom and bath and will have a back door as well. I was also thinking of going from the roof pitch and raising the roof in the front and adding windows but not extending the roof inside...this will be for visual appeal from the outside only

      comment photo
  • C.B. C.B. on Apr 27, 2017

    Hi There I like the way you kept MOST OF your plumbing on the same wall; better price wise & any potential water damage due to leaks are fairly well contained. My 'pet peve' is to have floor drains in every room where there are water pipes...leaks happen, over flows happen & the less damage done during those times...the better. One thing you may want to watch for is drafts [in the colder months] coming down the hallway directly into the kitchen; Scandenavian homes typically have a 'dead end' wall that somewhat stops the draft as it travels through such a space. You could accomplish that by setting up a short barrier wall at the end of the hallway...like a breakfast bar area or just a short wall turned perpendicular to the hallway's walls. I like you placement of the living room; not everyone wants people walking in on their carpets or newly waxed wood floors with wet/dirty feet.

  • Zvh22245539 Zvh22245539 on Apr 28, 2017

    Thank you