I have slugs on my hostas- help!!

  5 answers
  • Cmy3210825 Cmy3210825 on Apr 30, 2017

    When I had slugs 🐌 on plants I poured beer into shallow lids. Slugs are attracted to the beer (why I don't know) & it was quite effective in reducing the number of slugs on my plants.

    Here are some more solutions I found online:

    1. Slugs avoid crawling over anything dry, dusty or scratchy, such as lime, diatomaceous earth, cinders, coarse sawdust, gravel or sand. These make great barriers to keep out slugs.

    2. Epson Salts sprinkled on the soil will help deter slugs and also help prevent Magnesium deficiency in your plants.

    3. Vinegar, a good ingredient for slug sprays and removing slug slime.

    4. Spread salt around your plants. Salt dries them out so they won’t go near it.

    5. Collect human, dog, or cat hair and put around your plants, not only will the slugs not go on it, but it will also keep a lot of the little critters away also.

    6. When you find a slime trail, destroy the track so other slugs do not follow. They will follow each others trail. There are certain plants that slugs hate like the strong smell of mint, chives, garlic, geraniums, foxgloves and fennel. Plant them around the edge of your garden to keep them out. These plants also discourage Japanese beetles.

    7. Put stone paths along your flower beds.

    8. Put Copper of foil barriers around plants that the slugs are eating. When the slugs cross them they are given a small shock. This also works for snails.

    9. If you are find slugs in your potted plants, put petroleum jelly around the base and tops of your plant containers and watch them slip and slide.

    10. Another slug formula: 1 part ammonia to 3 parts of water. One squirt on the slugs is all you need.

    11. After eating your 1/2 grapefruit for breakfast, put it into your garden to make slug trap. Turn upside down after putting a small hole or two on the side for slugs to enter. They adore grapefruit and the slugs will gather there to eat the grapefruit and leave your plants alone. Collect the grapefruit and put into the compost bin.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 30, 2017

    Apply food grade diatomaceous earth.

  • Judy Ferrell Judy Ferrell on Apr 30, 2017

    ashes from fireplace around beds.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Apr 30, 2017

    Ground up dry egg shells will work like diatomaceous earth and is much cheaper and will also put calcium in your soil too. I also have heard that the beer trick works too. they get in and drown.

  • Marsha Marsha on Apr 30, 2017

    Put sweet gum balls under the leaves of the hostas. The slugs will not crawl over them because they are spiny.